2 October 2021

EDF 5 - Ranger's road to Inferno's end

Although I'm not a fan of the Ranger there's always missions that are enjoyable with him. If the AR was the Epsilon Railgun class on 4.1, he now seems to be the Free Bike class.

Mission 107 - Invader Assembly

A moderate, but long mission. The AR has a easier life here as expected but the Ranger isn«tin real trouble too.

Bring a sniper, preferably a powerful one, as  the cosmos run like rabbits when have no armor, so it's better to have real damage shot than a few ones that can be hard to land, specially if you're interested in finishing them with headshots for extra crates. Lysander Z, MR100 Fang and if you want to "cheat" Lysander ZF will be good choices. For second, either a rifle or a shotgun will work, just bring one with decent range to help with the 2 waves of Type 2 Drones. Hybrid Protector E9 is a nice choice as enhancement, or the DLC version.

The strategy is the same as the AR. Deal with cosmos / colonists, then 1 ship at a time. As long as you handle each group of 3 colonists / cosmonauts, the only annoyances will be the shield bearers bugging you, the missile shooting heavy cosmos (there's one at the front group and another 3 in the same squad in the back, these last ones were not present in hard), the laser cosmonaut and the 2 waves of Type 2 Drones. Once most or all big guys are gone, dealing with the transports is easy. Remember NPCs won't deal headshots.

Of the 3 NPC groups, the rangers will respawn once no enemies are aggroed to you (cosmos that you annoyed but lost you and are humming while stopped are still aggroed to you). The jp wiki says all squads will respawn it's wrong, I did this mission 4 times already in none of them the WDs or Fencers did.

Handle nearer big guys, then keep pissing each group of 3 always from the start zone, use second weapon to handle small stuff that comes or leave them to NPCs. Machine gun and flamethrower heavies are easier to handle since you'll be able to kill them before they can shoot you. A powerful sniper shot will kill frogs with1 headshot, cosmos with 2, heavies with 4 (first helmet armor is beyond even MR100 power).

Finally front ants and spiders transports, then right bees and pillbugs ones, and then it's almost over. At the 4th and 6th transport taken down a Type 2 drones wave will come. When type 2 drones come, fall back to remaining buildings in the back ASAP, and using rangers as decoys shoot drones.

A new ranger squad and2 NPC Nixs will show up really late for the party when the 2nd wave of Type 2 drones spanws. They will come from the back of the start position and proceed to the tracks area. They will be irrelevant.

It's just time consuming as you must take things in small batches.

This is Massive Mobilization from 4.1, just as long but thankfully easier as no gold ants and silver spiders. And no PITA giant walker...

This will take between 30 mins and 1 hour, depending if you're optimizing head shot kills. Don't rush this...

I didn't try this with the HU04 Brute SA9, but it's probably a good choice to handle cosmos, transports and drones, will just be very hard to get headshots.

Mission 98 - Coastal Defense Line

There are 2 ways to solve this mission: focusing on big enemies (cosmos and colonists) or focusing on small enemies (drones).
The problem with the first approach is that the 3rd wave of drones is really bad as it brings 3 imperial type 2 drones which are a absolute pain to deal with and can wipe you out in one attack. The Ranger has a better life in this strategy than the WD as his sniper weapons are more effective, and the Emerald is more useable for stray drones than WD's homing weapons. However this is always difficult as the margin for error is minimal and you can always be in trouble with one or more stubborn Cosmos that go after you.
So the second strategy is easier but you need quite upgraded MEX5 Emerald, the handy and wonderful Reverse Shooter X to extend the life of NPCs and the EX Radar Support System to make the Emerald work better. You just need to be careful and really retreat during the 3rd wave of drones to avoid a imperial one reach you. Without the help of the final cavalry's WDs and Fencers bringing down the transports will be a pain.
At any point the NPCs on the beach are wiped out, without the cavalry arriving there's 99.99% chance you're dead too.


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