There are a lot of lower-level weapons that are interesting and useful. don't dismiss them and just use and search for the higher-level ones.
Air Raider
Request Artillery
39 Cannon C
55 Cannon D
Cannons are seldom important but sometimes they're are useful. It's nasty to be precise with them, and they take forever to come which makes them unreliable for moving targets. But they can do extensive damage especially in big enemies.
Request Gunships
58 N1α silent copter [sniper rifle] [EDF6 ONLY]
If you need a long-range drone, only options are the N1s Silent Copters and the E2s Stun Copters [current], so if you need more than one of the higher specs these are the only options. They suck though, slow as hell in flight and beacon speed. Limpet Snipers, although I hate Limpets, are an option to think about.
64 Vulcan Cannon M1
The Vulcan Cannon M1 has a shorter reload time than the M2. Although less powerful and with a lower range, the increased fire rate can be useful and damage is still respectable. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload times doubled for all of these weapons.
Request Bombers
48 Fighter-Bomber KM6 Plan X9
Damage is not exceptional for Inferno, but the attack shape is great for large clouds of enemies. The center of the attack is awesome but pretty small. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points doubled.
75 Fighter-bomber KM6 Plan X5
I know this is a level 75 weapon but people dismiss this attack when sometimes it's awesome. It has 5 consecutive planes on a horizontal path, so the damage can be 5 x 3k which is a lot compared to other bombers. But luck-based attack, as all bombers. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points doubled.
62 Fast Bomber KM6F2 Plan W2
A really cheap, fast and still powerful bomber attack that has the plus of never hitting you and your vehicle if you don't move. Its speed and the rate at which you can use it are what make it so interesting. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points almost doubled but still good there.
46 Heavy Bomber Westa B Plan X2
66 Heavy Bomber Westa C Plan W2
I was never a fan of Vestas on 5 but on EDF 6 they work pretty well against Androids and Krulls. So they become interesting and there are inferno missions you can solve with 3 Vestas. Slow as hell to come all of them, and very different attack patterns for all 3 (DA considered too). Nerfed on 6, not doubled the points requirement but 600 more needed.
43 Heavy Bomber Phobos Plan 4
Phobos 4 is still an awesome attack on Inferno. Fully upgraded on damage it will kill spiders, ants and other small stuff. Its rectangle area is huge and unsurpassed. Only slow as hell to come. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points doubled.
56 Heavy Bomber Phobos Plan 10
A 10-pass continuous bomber attack, making it a deadly curtain of bombs with reasonable damage for each pass (up to 2.6k). It's a unique attack and it can enable original solutions in many missions and solve many of them particularly when you have weapon limits on. It can be a lot more useful than you think. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points doubled.
Request Missiles
72 Tempest A3
75 Tempest AT
Yes, level 70s weapons but the ones below are not useful on Inferno, these still are. Tempests are unique weapons that have seldom usage, but when they do they're invaluable. Stupidly they're of very similar level and the difference in damage is huge, 120k versus 240k. Maybe incorrect but my feeling is that these are slower flying than ATS. But sometimes you may need more than the ATS and these can come to the rescue. AT can still one-shot almost anything, A3 won't be able to do that.
Why they were improved in EDF 6 instead of nerfed like almost all similar attacks baffles me.
Request Satellite
20 Electroncopter M2 [Discharge]
35 Electroncopter M3 [Discharge]
52 Electroncopter M4 [Discharge] [EDF6 ONLY]
Likely the best of the crappy drones, dangerous to use but at least it sorts of makes a turret substitute, as the Ranger stole them in 6 (dirty thief 😑). Particularly interesting in cave missions, you can solve many with the 3 Electroncopter attacks. Work great against androids, Nakers, bees.
45 Bulge Laser Irradiation Mode S
70 Bulge Laser Irradiation Mode F
Bulges are weapons that sometimes provide very good and almost unique solutions to specific problems. They're awesome for pylons and huge enemies. Bulge S although not very powerful has a unique feature, almost 3 times the shots of F and Z, so it lasts for a long time. The downside is a really long reload. A better option than Spritefalls for many occasions. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload time doubled and that makes them unusable many times.
63 Spritefall Power Mode
72 Spritefall Maximum
76 Spritefall Destroy
I was never a fan of Spritefalls, but I was wrong and they do have their uses. The 3 most useful ones are of very similar levels and they're difficult to tell apart. Players tend to only use Destroy, but the overall attack power of Power Mode is bigger. The biggest difference between the 3 is time, with Maximum making all shots very fast, and Power Mode taking half the time of Destroy (80 versus 160 shots anyway). For moving targets, Maximum or Power Mode are better, unless they're stationary like bees around NPCs. Spritefalls crush your NPC vehicles and mates, so always consider the benefits of using them.
They work nicely on transports or pylons when these are spawning enemies. Can destroy pylons too, but only efficient on smaller ones, Bulges are much better for that effect. Good against walking fortress, as it destroys turrets above and below at the same time. Nerfed on EDF 6, reload points doubled.
Sentry Gun
It's not exceptional in Inferno but the only option to its bigger brother ZEXR in Inferno. ZE-GUN10 sucks badly. ZERA, and its siblings, do not damage vehicles and teammates which is often crucial.
Sadly, all turrets are gone from the AR in EDF 6.
Same as the previous turret, not exceptional but a good option if you need one. FZ-GUNs do damage vehicles (not on 6) and teammates.
Support Equipment
61 Life Spout Gun M3
79 Life Spout Gun ZM [EDF5 ONLY]
These are much more useful than the life vendors if you're using a vehicle and likely away from NPCs or alone. Much faster and easier to use. Sadly gone on EDF 6.
66 Power Assist Gun MG [EDF5 ONLY]
These are much more useful than the power posts if you're using a vehicle and likely away from NPCs or alone. Much faster and easier to use. Sadly gone on EDF 6.
42 Guard Assist Gun G [EDF5 ONLY]
These are much more useful than the guard posts if you're using a vehicle and likely away from NPCs or alone. Much faster and easier to use. Sadly gone on EDF 6.
17 Guard Post M2
64 Guard Post M3
These cover a much smaller area than level 75's Zone Protector ZM, but they also provide a huge difference in damage reduction rate. The M2 reduces damage by up to almost 63% and M3 to 53%, which is exceptional compared to ZM's 32%. On 6 since they're the only options as guard guns are gone, M2 or M3 can be a lot smarter option for fast-moving vehicles. Sadly, difficult and time-consuming to install on vehicles most times.
56 Electromagnetic Prison
A weird U shape shield with 3 installations. Has an unusual installation position too. However it covers a huge area, and its walls are reasonably high. But its biggest feature is its awesomely fast reload time, one-third or one-fourth of the time for the others. Takes time to get used to it, but it does get awesome once you figure out how to.
69 Anti-air Protection Shield ME
Not an exceptional shield, but pretty good for Nyxes, yours and NPC ones.
63 Decoy [Yellow]
Low durability, but 4 installations instead of 3 and longer duration compared to the level 82 Black.
Backpack Items [EDF6 ONLY]
58 Guard/Capsule A3
65 Guard/Capsule F2W
The poor man turrets of EDF 6. The first is equipped with a machine gun, the second with a flamethrower. Although A3 does more damage than A4W is inferior in everything else, so only better option if you can't use A4W.
68 Tsuiso Capsule Z6
Not very good, but sometimes useful, a laser drone that searches for the nearest enemy.
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