24 September 2024

EDF 6 DLC 1-18 - videos details and advice

Wing Diver run 

I already detailed in the Air Raider video description the bottlenecks and most troublesome phases of this mission and its timing issues. WD is not that different. She has more movement, but some of the things she must deal with immediately are the same. You can't destroy Pillbugs unless they're moving, otherwise the shots will fail.

Raijin α is to be used in the following circumstances:

- the 2 blue Pillbugs from the first spawn (front)

- the blue Pillbug from the second (left)

- the 4 blue Pillbugs from the third spawn, 2 from right, 2 from the back; in the ones coming from the right one of them usually starts moving first, but can be either; with the back ones, WD can with some luck and effort destroy these 2 at the same time, but it's not a slam dunk and you can die doing that anyway (a single blue ant.. 😐😐😐😟😟😟😥😥😥.)

- the red Pillbug on the 4th wave (right), you MUST have Raijin ready and also have full energy, it takes 2 shots to die, and the longer it's alive the more of the nasty shots it sends; preparing for this wave is unreliable it depends where the last surviving ant is, and it's not unusual for her to be exactly where you don't want it; you also can't deal with the last ant, you need to have Raijin and the core full for the next wave

- the blue bees transport in the 5th wave (right to the middle of the map), which Nyxes may destroy but they take a long time and are being trashed by ants during that; stupidly and dumbly 😒😑😥😂😪 I missed the shot on this run but incredibly still finished the mission

- the blue spiders transport in the 6th wave (front to the middle back of the map), a tricky one; hide after this between a Nyx legs and take down the one dropping ants in front of them

- the red Pillbug on the 7th wave (front), crucial or mission is over

- the blue bees transport in the 7th wave (front), crucial or mission is over and not easy and not much time from last kill

Mission flow is mostly paying attention to what matters, and use Mirage on the rest. Keep Gleipnir for the 3rd 6th and 7th waves, but it will be on the limit to be ready for the 7th.

There are 3 NPC squads. If you don't capture the ones moving in front of you at the start they'll be massacred in the third wave (if this is a good idea or not it's discussible, sometimes it works better doing that sometimes it doesn't). Capture the left ones once the ants from the 2nd wave are gone. Use them as bait for the ants of the 6th wave back, or dealing with the spiders ship will be hell (unless you're tremendously lucky and all ants in the back die).

When the next wave spawns you should get ready to handle it immediately (blue Pillbugs). Exceptions are 4th and 7th in which you must have Raijin and full charge for the red Pillbugs.

The end is hard to tell what to do. Ideally, you should go to the top of the ants transport, kill everything alive, go for the spiders transport, and then finish the game. NPCs will be long gone. However, reaching the transport is really on the limit of the Loading Core G reach (see at 12:35) so this can easily go wrong. You can use the falling bees transport for help but it's still on the limit, and remember the transport explodes quickly Flying while falling consumes more energy than taking off the ground.

Staying down isn't hard but depends on a few NPCs being alive and some luck with the 3 blue Pillbugs ( I thought they were 4 instead of 3 and dumbly wasted a Raijin shot ).

Be careful when taking down transports it's better to be safe than sorry. Don't take risks, mistakes can be costly.

You can't take ANY risks with the blue bees transport in the 7th wave. If it doesn't come down instantly or almost, the blue bees will spread all over the map and they do massive damage. Even if all Nyxes are ok, it's unlikely they'll kill the bees due to the large number of enemies around them. It will also prevent any chance of going up to a transport.

Timings are nasty on this mission and sadly important. Wrong timings on the transitions from the 3rd wave onwards can easily mean a failed run.

It's questionable if it's a good idea to capture the first NPCs squad passing by. They will hold back somewhat the 3rd wave of ants, but will be massacred.

Baiting some squads to the back during the end of 3rd / beginning of 4th wave I do think it's a good idea. Otherwise, the ants from the 6th and remains of the 4th wave will crush you while you try to take down the blue spiders ship from the 6th wave.

Blue ants may be nasty, but blue spiders can deliver a LOT more damage, so making their transport disappear is a smashing idea. The one from the 6th wave of course, the 7th one is almost impossible to destroy near its opening time (other more crucial matters to handle 😋😋😋).

Survival of the NPCs is crucial. The higher the number and the longer they survive, the better. When they're gone you're usually in serious trouble.

Air Raider run

Mission flow isn't easy and lucky prone due to luck being involved. KM6 Z4 and Phobos Z 4 are chance weapons and you can't be sure of their success, or what they'll hit. This will be a big issue in the success on this mission.

There are 4 major bottlenecks and problems in this mission:

- in the 4th wave getting rid of the red giant Pillbug ASAP

- still in the 4th wave destroying the transport that will drop blue bees immediately, although usually NPC Nyxes and squads will help on this

- destroying the blue spiders back transport in the 5th wave which is not easy due to likely presence of many blue ants

- and the most troublesome event in the mission which is to get rid of the red giant Pillbug ASAP of the 6th wave AND the blue bees front left transport which will arrive and open shortly after the red giant Pillbug gets moving, which will be particularly nasty because it's almost sure that a transport will be coming down before this happens and this will hinder how you can use the bomber attacks

You'll need to know where the waves will be coming in the 6 waves, otherwise you'll be wasting the bomber attacks. Also, remember that bomber attacks have different timings and you need to take that into account.

Red giant pillbugs will always move sideways first, but can be to either side, left or right. A well-placed KM6 Z4 attack will likely one-shot it but it's not easy to achieve this all the time. Red giant Pillbugs shoot conical white spikes that will do MASSIVE damage to your NPC squads and vehicles, and you too. They will be shot randomly, so you can have bad luck and they will all land near you and the NPCs and the mission likely will be over, or they can land in innocuous places. Yes, RNG will dictate this. They will also damage your vehicle with 50 or 60k damage per hit if they roll over you. If getting rid of the first is usually feasible, the second is no easy slouch.

At the end of the 3rd wave, which has 4 blue giant Pillbugs and lots of blue ants you should be ready to aim Z4 at the right side of the map, where the red giant Pillbug will spawn. The timing for this is difficult. If hopefully you get that done without issues, you should then go near the underground exit where the transport with blue bees will open the hatch, and destroy it ASAP, likely with the help of NPCs.

Your next major problem will be the arrival of 2 transports along with a ton of blue ants. NPC Nyxes will handle ants and the transport coming from the front, but not the one in the back that will drop blue spiders. So you should destroy this one ASAP, which likely won't be easy as many blue ants will be around to annoy you. However, this will make the last transport to go down the blue ants one, that has stopped in the front. This WILL SURELY make a mess for your aim of the Z4 on the last spawning red giant Pillbug which will appear on the front near the map border, behind exactly the likely falling destroyed transport.

Either way, on this run I tried to destroy the blue ants transport first, so that it would not mess up my attempt to destroy the red giant Pillbug, I destroyed the blue spiders transport later and then stupidly failed to be alert to use Z4 on the spawning red giant Pillbug. At least I crushed the last blue bees transport ASAP. But handling the mission at this point with these issues is a big lucky gamble. It did work, but it may not which is usually what will happen. Giant Pillbugs, ants and spiders will crush your NPCs and you're next.

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EDF 6 DLC 2-26 - videos details and advice

General information There are 6 phases in the mission with various waves on them: - 1st phase, various waves of different ants, followed by ...