Mission 108 does deserve a separate post. In the end, it's the best mission overall in the main game campaign and by a long distance. Like Scorching which was already the best mission overall in 4.1, they maintained the tradition with this evolution.
The mission is relatively quick to do with the AR and there's a variety of weapons that can be used to accomplish it successfully. It has a varied enemy roster that makes it pleasing to do, and the waves are different enough to keep the pressure and interest from start to end.
Although I can understand the difficulty and time it takes to create a mission like this it's a pity there's so little compared to it in the whole game. 110, 109 and 100 would be a lot more interesting with less RNG and extreme enemies that just make the missions more dependent on luck than strategy or skill, which makes them annoying and unpleasing to do again. 94, 98, 104, 105 and 107 are good, but even 94 falls short of the thrill that is 108.
Let's hope EDF 6 brings more of this kind of mission.
First strategy - Naegling and bomber attacks
Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4
Combat Bomber KM6 Plan Z4
Bulge Laser Beam Mode Z
Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher XEM
Armor: 1000
The most exciting and interesting missions in the game. It's an improvement from Scorching in 4.1, with the worse benefit that there's no chance for a pause or relaxation between the 4 waves, it's a rarely ending onslaught of enemies.
I really wanted to solve this one in inferno as nicely as in hard but it's not possible. I don't know if Spritefall's are an option for Bulge. My 3 ones (Power Mode, Maximum and Destroy) are very basic and don't even handle a large anchor, so an oversized one would take forever, and even maxed out I don't think they will work. In practical terms, it takes the same time to use the bulge or Spritefall on an anchor, the bulge can require more work for the giant bee if she moves. UPDATE As I have 2 of the Spritefalls more upgraded, I don't think Spritefalls can be an option. You need 2 or 3 uses of one to takedown a large anchor, can't even dream to use it for the oversized one, there's no concentration of enemies where it would be useful too.
At start use immediately Phobos and KM6 incoming mob. While capturing all 6 NPC squads continue to use Phobos and KM6. If you're too successful it will be a pain as the next wave will spawn before you have the vehicle. When you can summon the vehicle as far back as possible. Always use Phobos and KM6 until all Deroys are gone, as unfortunately, it's difficult to kill their leg weapons in inferno, considering there's bigger fish to deal with, as they would be mostly harmless then. When in the vehicle drive in reverse to the left back corner of the map. Focus first on drones, then deroy legs if there's one alive, then ground stuff (spiders, cosmos). When you reach the map end continue until you have some buildings to your left, summon new naegling when you can.
Bees, pill bugs and the queen bee will come from the right considering start. Use Naegling extensively to eliminate remaining bombers, bees, pill bugs and everything else alive. When you see the queen bee in range kill her with the bulge, it works surprisingly well for that. When it arrives, enter it and proceed driving in reverse to the opposite right corner of the map, shooting sideways to kill tadpoles. Proceeding up by the left of the map is a bad idea, as you'll be very near the anchors when they drop. Before you reach the end exit and drop KM6 along the road, it will kill many tadpoles. When you reach the map end, go up, yes always driving in reverse. At this point the only NPCs alive should be the WDs and some fencers, the others should be dead or almost. Use KM6 again if possible or necessary
If you performed too well, you'll still be going in the back road when the pylons arrive or you should be driving up after reaching the map ends when the pylons drop, the larger one in the middle will be the last and it comes later than the 4 small ones. Use the bulge ASAP on that one.
Send Phobos to the mob coming from the pylons and KM6 too, or along the road if there are many enemies still coming along that way. Continue using Naegling when the attacks are coming and summon 2 more when possible. It's likely the queen ant spawned (king spider is spawned later), use KM6 or Phobos on her.
Use bulge on the 2 LEFT pylons. Massacre the coming small fish with Naegling, and when possible kill the nearest right pylon. Don't destroy the furthest one, it will "only" drop red and black ants. It's likely you'll only have 2 or 3 NPC WDs alive, perhaps 1 or 2 fencers too. Start picking crates, to heal NPCs (and you)and pick weapons. Use Naegling to kill spawning small fish, if you kill them all the laser ranger squad and GR fencers will spawn again, but with low health. Pick crates to heal them to full and then you can travel around picking what you want, the NPCs will kill the small fish. If you keep on using the Naegling against the small fish, the pylon will probably be destroyed too.
You can farm the pylon but it's not very interesting. Most crates will be to the right of the place you probably ended (up right corner from start) as it was the point where many enemies died with your initial attacks and around the start area and its back.
Some will be inside the pools area, these will be easier to pick on foot, which is safe once you have enough healthy NPCs alive again.
The Naegling is junk at 6600 armor, but the ability to kill small fish like bombers, bees and tadpoles that NPCs struggle to handle is a must.
This isn't easy. It's not possible to succeed always, there are too many waves and hard enemies in this mission. Important:
- try to get rid of the 3 deroys, they will fry your 2 NPC exoskeletons in a snap, if they last longer the mission will be easier.
- try to use the first Naegling as much as possible, as you'll use the 2nd a lot because there are 102 tadpoles in the third wave and it's the most difficult time to recall one
- the only likely survivors until almost the end of the mission from the first wave are the 2 heavy cosmonauts because if they don't get hit by Naegling missiles NPCs won't kill them as they're too spread and stuck with other issues
- the queen bee is important but not crucial to handle quickly, but the bulge works surprisingly well with her
- the 2 blue tadpoles from wave 3 are also thorny as you have no easy way to handle them, they will eventually die to Naegling missiles or KM6 but can take time.
- not being hit is almost impossible if you join all NPCs, so some damage is 99% likely
- abuse the Phobos and KM6, the idea is not only to kill enemies but to create havoc and make it easier for you and the NPCs to move and battle what is essential
- driving the Naegling in reverse isn't easy and you'll get a lot of weird camera views, so get used and try anyway, it's worth it
- you can expect a few slowdowns, especially when the Phobos, KM6 and Naegling rockets are all active simultaneously
If you succeed 25-33% of the time, it's a good success rate. This mission is hard (EDIT - OK not that hard after all). For comparison, I have a 99% success rate in Scorching on 4.1, and I do it there with inferior armor and weapons. Well the Epsilon isn't exactly an inferior weapon, is it 😋
I've come up with other possibly easier ways to solve this one:
I thought it couldn't be more insane but it can:
Second strategy - Nix ZC and support or turret
Life Vendor ZD
Guard Post M3 or Zone Protector ZM
Power Post ZM or ZEXR-GUN
Powered Exoskeleton Nix ZC
Armor: 1000
The second way does not involve much movement. You'll stay near the start during all the missions. The advantages are:
- you'll have almost all crates in a small area
- more NPCs will survive
- the armor of the Nix is way beyond the "paper tissue made" Naegling
If you just want to use support equipment the 3 ones above are stellar. Choosing between Guard Post M3 or Zone Protector ZM is a matter of protection efficiency versus distance covered, either will work. The ZEXRs which are one of the best AR weapons will work in a stellar fashion here.
At the start just proceed to the front corner of the area where you spawn while collecting all 6 NPC squads. The 2 NPC Nixs will arrive roughly at the same time at their positions as you'll get there too.
It's difficult to support both NIXs. Although they won't be in exactly the same position in all runs, I seldom managed to support both. Only Zone Protector ZM will be able to do that. Supporting the left one is a better strategy as it's the one that will usually be more battered by enemies.
Install one of each support post near the corner (see video), if you have ZEXRs send them forward in an arc. Wait until you can summon Nix, staying within range of the Life Vendor is a good idea. When Nix arrives concentrate on the 3 deroys. Be extremely careful shooting the Nix's Shoulder Howitzer, if you hit a nearby enemy or NPC you'll likely kill most of the NPCs as this thing does 10k damage. After the deroys concentrate on the drones and cosmos. Do remember to summon more NIXs when you can this is crucial.
When the second wave comes, install a new Life Vendor. You don't have time to rebuild the Guard Post and you only have 3, so don't use one. Same with ZEXRs, they will be crucial on the third wave and wave 2 usually goes pretty fast so you wouldn't have time to use and rebuild them. The Life Vendor is enough on this phase. Kill as many bees as you can with the Nix Revolver and Missiles, handle Giant Bee when she's in range, leave pill bugs mostly to NPCs.
When the third wave comes install both support posts and the ZEXRs if you have them. Remember the tadpoles will do a circling flight but you should install them before they end it. The ZEXRs help a lot in this phase, they mince the tadpoles very efficiently. If possible handle the blue ones.
The fourth wave will not be very hard. Install the support posts and the likely ready ZEXRs. If the latter is not ready do exit Nix and install them when possible. they will help a lot in the initial onslaught. You now have 2 options. If you want the level done, kill queen ant, destroy huge anchor (do realize that the Shoulder Howitzer shots from one Nix won't be enough for the bugger pylon). Then starting from the right destroy each remaining pylon, the 2 rightmost ones will be the ones spawning bees which are the most troublesome for the NPCs. Each large pylon will go down with 5 Shoulder Howitzer hits. Leave the leftmost pylon alive which only spawns red and black ants and collect crates.
The alternative is to while killing any giant enemies that appear, destroy immediately the rightmost pylons that spawn bees, and then the second from left that spawns spiders (or all the smallest ones) and then keep killing the giant enemies that the huge pylon spawns. You'll be able to call a ton of NIXs, no problem there. A shoulder howitzer hit in a king spider will stun it for a while and send it flying across the map. The howitzer isn't good for the queen ant, advance towards her and use flamer and revolver she'll go down in a snap.
Usually, the NPC WDs and almost all rangers will be alive at the end. NPC fencers like to make inroads towards enemies and are crushed quickly.
Although the Nix ZC is slow as molasses, the crates will be in a small area compared to other strategies, making their pickup not a dreadful job.
Third strategy - Naegling and turrets
ZEX Launcher or ZE Blaster (if you want to use DLC weapons)
Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher XEM
Armor: 1000
I was really surprised that this loadout is very successful. The ZEX Launcher is dangerous but it does work if you're careful with its placement. The Bulge Laser is essential for pylons but surprisingly works very well with the 3 deroys.
Easiest strategy overall
With so many possibilities which is the easiest way to do this mission? Although it's possible to do it in different ways 2 are easiest and more prone to success:
- Nix ZC, Life Vendor ZD, Guard Post M3 or Zone Protector ZM (one favors protection strength, the other area covered) and ZEXR, by staying in the start area. The Nix will do the majority of the job, but the ZEXRs can help a lot in waves 1, 3 and 4 and will maximize the number of NPCs that survive. My personal record stands at 11 NPCs alive at the end (none respawned).
You can farm infinitely the mission if you want with this loadout. Just don't destroy the big anchor and keep killing the spawned queen ants and king spiders. However take care that when there are only 3 pylons left the huge one will also spawn waves of 5 tadpoles, spiders and black ants, which your turrets, Nix machine guns and NPCs will handle with some ease anyway.
- Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher XEM, Bulge Laser Beam Mode Z, ZEX Launcher (or ZE Blaster if you want to go with DLC weapons) and ZEXR-GUN, by falling back, right and up. Amazingly the 2 turrets do provide the best solution if not staying near the start is the option. Although the ZEX Launcher is dangerous, using it with some thought does deliver the best way and a few times I even managed to have a few rangers alive at the end (not considering the ones that respawn), besides the fencers and the WDs.