26 November 2021

EDF 5 - Mission 86 - Secret in the Dark

This is THE one. The hardest mission for the AR n the whole main campaign by far. This mission is hell.

I don't think it makes much difference using limpets or not. There are so many things that can go wrong that this is a giant PITA to do.


The mission is divided into 2 parts.

It starts with 4 tunnel exits spitting ants (between 8 and 12) and 1 spitting bees (12). Near the start position, you can destroy one of the ant's tunnels by dropping down to the right and using a limpet (which will enable you to summon a Depth Crawler). A Ranger (Grant MTX) or a WD (Plasma Great Canon) will be able to destroy the top bees tunnel by hitting the main pillar near it.

Once all 5 tunnels are destroyed the 2nd part starts. The biggest issue is the first part anyway, which is way worse than the 2nd.

You have 2 NPC groups of rangers that are not controllable and are scripted to go up to the bees tunnel (doesn't matter if it was destroyed or not by the time they reach it). There are 2 main dreadful spots: once you reach the arch that you can see in front of you when you start, and when the NPCs (and probably you) reach the place where the first ant's tunnel is in your path as they seem to stop there for a few secs and it can be a massacre.

To me, the ants are even worse than the bees. They're more difficult to hit and come in groups. Also, they will spit acid from far or just show up from under you and kill you or the NPCs in a snap. You'll see that easily when you pass under the arch.

What makes matters worse is that the only viable turrets if not using DLC ones are the ZEXR and the ZEX Launcher. I managed to do it once with tremendous luck with the ZEX Launcher... in around 200 or 300 tries. Granted when I died it was 99% of the time in the first minute or so. The biggest issue with the ZEX Launcher is how easy it is to wipe you and/or the NPCs, so you don't even need the enemies 😂 (really crying would be more correct). The second biggest issue is that the turrets and even the NPCs are very inefficient here. You just need an ant walking below you or the turrets and they will try to kill it which is impossible, while you and the NPCs are massacred by the other enemies. The ant will probably stop and try to kill the NPCs or you too, but can't either as she's under the ledge, but it's a deadlock, while it's a free-range for the other enemies. The hardest thing is surviving until the 4 ant tunnels are destroyed.

You can also be wiped out just by exiting the Depth Crawler to install a turret or a support turret. Also trying to climb the DC to install a turret is most of the time a nightmare due to the steep slant of the ledges as it doesn't work.

I eventually quit and switched the ZEX Launcher for the ZE Blaster, at least that one is feasible.


The Ranger has a much easier life here, as the Reverse Shooter fits like a glove in this mission. Even there the AR is at disadvantage, using the Life Vendor is very troublesome in this mission. I do recommend you just do this mission with him, and split-screen the other classes with the Ranger.

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EDF 6 DLC 2-26 - videos details and advice

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