11 December 2023

EDF 5 - Mission 108 Despair - Online Only mission - Air Raider - Inferno

I tried a few times to do this online-only mission, but was never successful and was getting annoyed with it. Doing online solo missions is mostly a PITA as not only finding what weapons work, but finding a strategy that works is VERY time-consuming. To make it better I don't have PS Plus right now, so at least I did manage to do this in a online play free weekend.

The mission has 3 super-sized pylons, 2 small pylons with pillbugs, a ton of drones and 5 cosmos. All enemies are not aggroed. The super-sized pylons will drop bees, spiders and ants. Hitting any of them will trigger all enemies around them that were not aggroed. Destroying one of the pylons, and you have a large wave of mutant enemies from the other 2 surviving pylons. Destroying another and 2 giant enemies, one normal another mutant will spawn from the remaining pylon.

The first super pylon to go needs to be the bees one. Not only bees are flyers, and they can catch you in a snap, but  it's even worse if you have to deal with red ones. So this is a no-brainer.

The second is the spiders one. If you don't destroy this one in second place, you'll have to deal with a Giant Red Bee and a normal one. Again you don't want to deal with these either, so it's another no-brainer. You'll have to deal with a Silver King Spider and a normal one instead.

Finding which weapons worked was puzzling. First, you need weapons that reach the very high super-sized pylons. Supposedly fully upgraded Tempes ATS + Bulge Laser would kill the huge pylons, but they don't. To make things worse Tempest is useless besides on the pylons. The mission is full of pillbugs and trying to use the Tempest with pillbugs chasing you is a nightmare.

So I thought of using the KM6 Z4 which would be useful on many occasions, and using just Bulge Z to destroy the super pylons. The downside is that you need 4 separate hits with the Bulge Z on each super pylon to destroy it. If this is easy on the 2 with spiders or ants, the one with bees is crappy as hell. Dealing with one wave of bees is already bad, with 4 it's terrible. But frankly, it's the better option.

There are 3 main thorny parts in this strategy and in this mission for any strategy. Dealing with the rockets heavy cosmos that is very near the bees pylon, dealing with the 4th bees wave and the others (goldies, silvers, ants, spiders and pillbugs) at the same time, and finally dealing with the 2 kings.

I must confess that I forgot that there was a huge pillbugs wave when the last super-sized pylon was destroyed, so it took me by surprise. I did manage it but could have been a stupid end. Thankfully pillbugs are the enemies that do the least damage to the vehicle.

This video will be in 3 parts but the first one DOES NOT belong to the other two, but the strategy is the same. The reason is that my controller lost the battery, and to exchange I went to the desktop, so the video capture was gone. The first part contains a run-up to the end of the third hit on the bees super-sized pylon. The other 2 the rest. Aside from some differences in the run, the strategy is the same.

The mission flow is as follows:

- piss and destroy drones type 2 with Bulge, then deal with what comes (drones only preferably); I did kill 2 of my NPCs on this adventure with a badly placed Bulge, should have been more near the map corner

- do this until you get a Nyx

- I did get one of the shotgun Cosmos as a nasty freebie, but managed to deal with it

- when you have a Nyx go for the left shotgun Cosmos (the one I killed earlier); drop ZEXRs around you and WAIT for him to be far from the spiders, then Bulge him; it's probable some drones will come, activate ZEXRs and use Nyx too if necessary

- proceed to the back shotgun cosmos, again wait for him to be far from the bees and ants, same drill, some drones can come

- now deal with the front right heavy cosmos, near the ants; install ZEXRs; go on the top of a building to get a better view (see video); wait for him to be as far from the ants as possible; use Z4 and ZEXRs

- next the left heavy cosmos, near the spiders; install ZEXRs; go on the top of a building to get a better view (see video); wait for him to be as far from the spiders as possible; use Z4 and ZEXRs

- last and more troublesome, the rockets heavy cosmos near the bees; on this run somehow he got aggroed when I was dealing with the front right ones, so it was easier to deal with him

- if almost all drones are gone and the 5 cosmos are gone you can proceed to destroy the bees pylon

- check the video where I installed the turrets; you can install 3 on top of the buildings and 1 on the corner, or 2 on top of the buildings, one on the corner in the ground and the other in the next intersection; this part is tricky, you can always lose the run in one of this actions; sort of hide Nyz between 2 buildings

- aim Bulge at the huge middle pylon, and when bees come activate ZEXRs and send Z4 along the map border, if possible pulling it a little to the left (that I did not on the first part); with some luck you'll be able to kill all the bees, and possibly some pillbugs that will come. WARNING - It's usual that 2 ants and possibly 1 or 2 spiders will be very latecomers and it's easy to make a mess with them

- now the trickiest part, using Bulge Z for a 4th time in the bees pylon that will destroy it and spawn a huge wave from the other ones; preferably some NPCs should be alive, or it's likely you won't; as soon as you see that most bees are dead by Z4 and ZEXRs zip away; Z4 is an opportunistic weapon it may not hit any bees and you'll likely die; zip away to either side of the map border, neither is perfect, on one side you have silvers, on the other goldies

- do map laps, using ZEXR, Z4 and Bulge when possible; be EXTREMELY careful exiting the Nys when pillbugs are coming, they're fast as hell; always try to have ZEXR chosen so you can install 2 turrets, if you have them, and activate them; this will take some time, you'll have to kill a lot of enemies following you; Bulge works nicely if you install it on road reaching you, many enemies are dumb and get blasted by its huge power; you always can know if Z4 had any success if it racks any points back just after being used; DON'T risk, run away when is eve slightly possible to be in danger

- when this is over, deal with the spiders super-sized pylon, which is mighty easy compared to the bees one

- using the Bulge Z for the 4th time, you'll have 2 king spiders coming from the ants pylon; RUN AWAY; this time it's easier to run toward the spiders pylon side

- with care, use ZEXR, Z4, and mainly Bulge on kings; try to deal with the normal one first as it dies faster; as long as you jump along the map border and use Bulge on corners this is not too hard; run away immediately if you see any king webs coming to you, they can do massive damage; hitting any of the kings with Z4 is mostly an exercise in luck, so no worries if you fail, Bulge is powerful enough it will just take more time

- now deal with the ants pylon which is a joke compared to the other 2; however, BEWARE that a huge pillbugs wave will spawn from the 2 small remaining pylons.

- run away to the left corner and use Z4 on the pillbugs (I didn't had it); at this time it's VERY IMPORTANT to avoid exiting the Nyx, as it's mighty easy to be killed by the pillbugs; enter a new Nyx if necessary (you've been requesting them haven't you?)

- dealing with the last 2 pylons is a total joke

This will likely take 2 hours, more or less. Don't rush things, you'll likely die. NPCs are very important up to the bees pylon destruction, try to feed them when possible and necessary.

This is hard but not impossible. Under Siege, mission 109 online only too, is a lot worse to solo, but it's a lot easier in multiplayer compared to this one. It happens...

Ultimately it's easier to control the flow of this mission alone than with random players playing for themselves.

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