25 February 2024

EDF 6 DLC 1-17 Weapons Farming Inferno

The explanation is big it did not fit in the video description.

Air Raider with no DLC weapons run

To give you an idea, the jp wiki only says that this is an insane approach and gives no further details. The mission has 1 huge hive, and 6 smaller ones. At 3 specific points in the destruction of the huge hive, there will be 3 special spawns, not only from the huge hive, but from each one of the remaining smaller ones. Of course, the easy way to handle the mission is to get rid of all the smaller hives first and then handle the huge one. That's the recommended way and the way almost everyone does it. But that way is lousy for crates farming. To excel at crates farming, you must have all the smaller hives intact and destroy the huge hive first, so that you can have 2 huge spawns of Electric Brown King Spiders that will provide 6-8 crates for each kill, and a good chance of a few weapon ones. But the big downside is that you'll have a huge spawn of the really dangerous big blue spiders in the 1st special spawn, and another in the 3rd along with the King Spiders. Ouch. In particular, the 3rd spawn is pretty nasty.

However, rewards are very good, with 30 or 40 weapons crates per 45-60 minutes run. To give a perspective you won't get that number of crates by playing all the 16 previous missions once, that's how terrible the other ones are.

There are 20 own King Spdiers spawns, 8 in the 2nd wave and 12 in the 3rd, and those will likely yield a lot of weapon crates.

This run was achieved without using DLC weapons. I did try and was successful in achieving runs not using DLC weapons in all DLC 1 missions with the Air Raider. Some were hard or hardish, but all can be done.

The weapons I used were the level 90 Bulge Laser Z, the 86 KM6 Z4, the 84 Vesta DA, the 85 Guard Capsule A4W and the 86 Blacker A9. Bulge is awesome for the huge hive. Z4 is awesome when Kings are chasing you. Vesta unexpectedly works very well, as it delays a lot of spiders at once, enabling you to run away more safely. A4W will save your ass countless times. Blacker A9 has enough speed to get away from the enemies in this mission, and it still can handle some damage, but not much.

The flow is simple.

NPCs will be dead in a snap, they simply can't survive here.

You'll be using Bulge Z on the huge hive, on 3 or 4 occasions. 4, if like on this run, the 3rd usage isn't enough to trigger the 3rd special spawn. This can happen or not, as it seems that between the 2nd and 3rd destruction of the huge hive, there is a time when there's a monologue about something (japanese...), and during tat dialog te ive does not suffer damage, or at least it doesn't add to the hive destruction progress (vibes of mission 123 where that happens if too many enemies are still alive at the end). This is luck dependent and can happen or not. What happened is that it forced me to farm spider kills to get points to have another Vesta DA for the 3rd and more nasty spawn.

The left side is the safest one to run away. Not only it has only 1 small hive dropping enemies near it, but that hive drops electric Brown Spiders which are a LOT less nasty than blues. In contrast on the right side you have 2 small hives near the map border dropping blue spiders. So yes, the left side is a LOT easier to go and less prone to have "issues".

On each Bulge Z attack to the huge hive, the best place is to be on the back map border near your starting point. Then use Bulge on the huge hive, and drop immediately DA in the open road before the hives concentration, slightly to the left since you'll be running away in that direction.

It is VERY IMPORTANT not to run away in the tank immediately so that all spiders are going to your position and not spreading around the map. If you don't wait you'll be swarmed by blue spiders once you reach the left side of the map. Once things start to get hairy, run away triggering A4W if you haven't used it before.

You need to drive backwards, or should, and it's important to run away quickly first to the left of the map, and then along the left map border. Even so, it's not unusual that a few blues will get to you. Since they block your view, try to shoot toward their shots, and with some luck you can hit them.

Attention, Blue Spiders CAN and WILL hit you from more than half the map away. They're extremely dangerous when aiming their attacks while grabbing high positions on buildings. Even though Electric Brown Kings can hit you from almost the other end of the map their attacks are much less damaging than the Blue Spiders ones. A single Blue Spider can fry your tank in 1 or 2 secs, you in a blink of an eye. You've been warned.

Check my initial death on the video, I left it on purpose.

When it's safe and possible use Z4 on the mob following you. If possible, use Vesta too. Z4 is awesome at King kills, and it replenishes almost instantly. When there are few Kings left you can use Bulge and the tank to kill them.

A4W is essential to keep you safe. DON'T play with or let blues approach you, you'll regret it.

Always collect crates between special spawns, if you don't the map limit (128) will be reached very quickly, So to be efficient you must do that. Boring but necessary.

It's difficult to avoid hitting buildings while using tank shots but try not to destroy too many on the left side of the map. They will be important to keep you safe while running away on each special spawn. A9 shots are penetrating, so they make this objective even harder. After the 3rd special spawn, there's no issue with this and you can destroy all the buildings you want.

Destroying the 6 small hives at the end is easy, as is dealing with the speedy flaming cosmos that show up once 4 small hives are destroyed.

As it happened on this run, it's not unusual for a blue or king to be stuck inside a building. Deal with them at the end, but be careful they still can hit you.

Be careful with small brown or blue spiders stuck in buildings on construction, these can get out at any time and can cause a nasty surprise.

Although boring as hell you should clean up the outside roads of tree, lamps and rails. You never know when the tank is going to make a stupid jump by hitting one of them, or you hitting an environment object instead of the enemy you need. And you can be thankful the Blacker A9 shells are not explosive, as these could create a lot more troublesome happenings.

Yes, this is hard and long but the rewards are excellent. By far the most productive DLC 1 farming mission, followed by 18.

Air Raider with DLC 2 Blacker E11 run

This is still hard, but Blacker E11 can take a lot more abuse than A9, it's a lot faster and has a HUGE crate pickup range.

I did use the Phobos Z 4, but use Vesta DA instead, it works better.

On this run, the intermediary spawn between the 2nd and 3rd didn't happen, so it was shorter too. This will depend on how Bulge Z works during 1st and 2nd spawns, and it's random. 

Most of everything else still applies, just remember E11 shots are destructive and can and will damage your tank if used unwisely.

Blue spiders can still fry E11 in a snap.

Wing Diver run

If necessary don't risk and just use PGC once for each core recharge.

Try to always go from the tallest point of the towers, remember you keep losing height while dashing.

If you stay too long in one of the towers go ASAP to the opposite on of the 3 you're using. This is to avoid blues that could have climbed your tower and the central one.

Always try to avoid making the emergency recharge in the main station tower, at least until the number of aggroed spiders is big. They can climb these buildings in 1 sec or less.

Flying IS NOT constant pressing the flying button, but most times in short bursts to keep the Wing Diver climbing and not waste the whole core in a snap. The buildings are REALLY tall, if you fall down, it will almost always mean death.

DON'T hit any spiders near the small hives or huge one, you won't be able to pick the crates until the end, and you can be aggroing more spiders.

DON'T think that the Wing Diver will surely grab a ledge or stay in a small opening. It may or may not. I've lost a few runs because of this. The same applies to all classes.

If you don't manage to stay on top of the tall buildings, try to go for a further one. However, this usually ends badly if blues are aggroed. Even worse if you fall uncontrollably with blues active.

Took me around 90 minutes to do this run. Crates collection is sadly 1/4 to 1/3 of that time.

Remember I'm just a regular player and can do this. Most people will be able too, with some training and a little effort.

It will be a lot easier with more armor, and a better core.

Awesome mission with the Wing Diver. Juts long as hell. 😋😊😋🤗🤗😀😁

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