Despair and Under Siege are online-only missions of EDF 5. Both are nasty, although not impossible. The main problem is that there needs to be some coordination on both. If everyone is just shooting around you'll never solve it.
The best way to tackle missions online is by each player using a different class. This way you're optimizing for a positive outcome, as each class has different capabilities, and most missions will be easier to handle if you explore them. These 2 are missions that if players insist on avoiding or concentrating on specific classes you're aiming for a huge difficulty spike and likely failure.
Mission 108 - Despair
Despair is easier with 3 or 4, but obviously, 4 is better.
1 Air Raider
Tempest ATS, Bulge Z, ZEXR, Nyx ZC or Red Guard
Tempest is only useful if you want to get rid of huge pylons faster.
Bulge Z is the best weapon on online to kill cosmos, heavy ones or not.
ZEXR always useful to keep you and your teammates alive.
Nyx ZC or Red Guard for close combat and some survival
2 Ranger
Lysander Z, shotgun or assault rifle, Epsilon Blast Self-Propelled Railgun
MR111 is not better here as penetration isn't very useful, so Lysander is awesome for flyers.
Shotgun or assault rifle to help defense.
3 Fast moving class, either Wing Diver or Fencer
Add Booster and Dash Cell 5
Spine Driver MA and YH7 Dispersal Mortar or FH29 Mortar
Spine Driver + Shield, or any pair to kill things on map border laps
You'll need speed to get away, so the enhancements are obvious.
Spine Driver is likely Fencer's best overall weapon on 5 (and 6). YH7 Dispersal Mortar or FH29 Mortar works well and you'll be the only class with a destructive weapon to level down the map.
Wing Diver
Bolt Shooter ZF, Phalanx or Rapier or Gleipnir α, VZ Plasma Core
Bolt Shooter ZF is an awesome long-range weapon with a clip. Just be careful where you shoot it, it has spread, reflection and penetration, People depend on you, you can't die.
Gleipnir α can be used EXCLUSIVELY on the back corner of the map. Anywhere else it will create a mess. It's always good against flyers and slows down other enemies.
Phalanx or Rapier to kill things you'll need.
Since with Wing Diver there will be no one with destructive weapons, AR should have a Nyx ZC and level down the buildings around the start area once that is possible, and preferably before going for the pylons.
4 Another AR or Ranger
Second Air Raider
Tempest ATS, ZEXR, FZ-GUN MX or a shield, Nyx ZC or Red Guard or Barga
Second Ranger
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