20 July 2023

EDF 4.1 Breakdown of mission difficulties by classes (SOLO OFFLINE)

This is a list of my opinion of the difficulty of each Inferno mission that I think is relevant. If it's not on the list, it's a trivial mission to solve, probably with all 3.

I absolutely suck with Fencer so can't provide any hindsight or help with him. I do think he's the worst and least fun class in 4.1 anyway (again my opinion).

The following is assumed:

- you have less than 2000 armor for each class (Air Raider, Ranger, Wing Diver) as you really don't need more at least to solve ALL missions with one of the classes, but can be different ones along the way (if you play this like CoD or Battlefiled style 25k to 50k won't probably be enough to save you on some missions)
- you have access to all their weapons, or at least the ones that usually are used to solve missions, and know which ones should be best to solve each mission for each class
- you know what you're doing, have knowledge of the map and waves of enemies for each mission, that you know when to use the NPCs as bait or help

- you're playing solo or co-op solo (same person using both classes)

For the Air Raider I only use tanks or mechs (no helis or Balams).

All cave missions are dark, so you'll have a rougher time in many if you've not played 2025 which had similar missions on the same maps but no darkness.

Playing the game split screen can almost half the time to finish. AR and Ranger are the best match as only the ranger can use AR's vehicles. But remember that only these 2 can regenerate NPC's health.

On several missions I would strongly advise playing all classes using just one and split screen the other 3 with the same easier class. Some missions like Star Eaters, Scorching, Massive Mobilization, Monster Camp, Monster Party, Steel Beast, among others will be easy to finish with just one class and hell to do with others. Yes it will be fantastic when you finish them with the harder classes, but do expect to do them in 1, 2 or more hours after a lot of retries.

The list is given in reverse order as it was easier to me.

89 - Star Eaters
Ranger - medium (45 to 90 minutes long); WD, AR - medium with tricks (10 minutes or so, I have videos of both)

88 - Scorching
AR - easy; WD - hard; Ranger - very Hard

87 - Massive Mobilization
AR, Ranger - hard; WD - very, very hard

86 - Battle to Death
AR - easy; Ranger - hard; WD - very hard

85 - The Threat
AR, WD - medium; Ranger very hard

84 - Divine
Ranger, WD - medium; AR - hard
very luck based mission, depends a lot on the first giant dragon's behavior

83 - Encircling
AR, Ranger - medium; WD - hard

82 - Heaven's Army
AR, WD - easy; Ranger - hard

81 - Fallen Flagship
AR - medium; Ranger - hard; WD - harder

80 - Monster Camp
AR - medium; WD - very, very hard; Ranger - very, very, very hard
Don't believe most you read about this mission. It will be absolute hell the vast majority of the times you'll try it. Once all the NPC's are wiped out, your ass is worthless and you'll be too in a snap unless there's extremely few enemies alive and they're not all red dragons. No 20k armor or more will probably save you anyway, unless you're extremely good at the game (and yes I mean REALLY extremely good)

79 - City Flaws
AR - medium; Ranger - hard; WD - very hard

78 - Labyrinth of Light
WD - easy; AR- medium; Ranger - hard

77 - Monster Party
AR - easy; Ranger, WD - very, very hard (very long mission for these classes)

76 - Machine Squad
AR - easy; Ranger - medium; WD - hardish

75 - Death Queen
WD - easy; Ranger - medium

74 - Den of Thieves
WD - easy

73 - Tower Siege
WD, Ranger, AR - medium
WD can use here a very special and weird weapon with a surprising good result, the Heaven's Gate D10

72 - Spearhead
WD - medium; Ranger - hard

71 - Giant Ship
AR - easy; WD - medium

70 - Teeth of the Universe
WD - easy; AR - hard

69 - Towering Beast
AR - easy; Ranger, WD - medium

68 - Sniper Attack
AR, Ranger - medium
both tall buildings are indestructible, which wasn't the case in 2025. Yep, you can land a Railgun on top of the building 😋

67 - Battle of Giants
AR, Ranger, WD - medium
impressive but very luck based depends a lot on the NPC Balam's performance. Small stuff (ants and bees) crush balams, your attacks damage them too.

66 - Mountain Liberation
AR, WD - hard; Ranger - very hard

65 - Fortress Attack
WD, Ranger - easy
for ranger the giant mech's random path will make this mission easy or a PITA

63 - Breaking Through
WD, Ranger - easy

62 - Mountains Ablaze
AR - medium

61 - City of Horror
AR - medium; Ranger - hard
AR can only summon 1 vehicle at the start, after this zilch

59 - The Fleet Below
WD - easy; Ranger - hard

58 - Crazy Skies
AR - easy; Ranger - Medium

57 - Bug King
AR, WD - medium; Ranger - hard

55 - Bug Invasion
WD - easy; AR - medium

54 - Air Mobilization
AR, Ranger - medium

51 - Pincer
WD - easy

50 - Fortress Frenzy
AR - medium

45 - Steel Beast
AR - easy; Ranger - medium

43 - Annihilation
AR - medium

42 - Waterside Bugs
WD, Ranger - hard
you need to know the timings for this one or it's hell -> death -> retry

40 - Crossing
AR - easy; Ranger - medium

38 - High Density
AR - easy; WD - hard

36 - Inferno
AR - medium; Ranger, WD - very hard

35 - Convergence
AR - medium; Ranger - hard

34 - Infiltration
WD - easy; Ranger, AR - medium

33 - Thunder
AR - medium

31 - Charge Phase 2
WD - easy; Ranger - hard; AR - very hard
the "safe" tunnel with no exit is from start right, left, right (or left, right, left but much more dangerous), but only works reliably for WD. If they all come together you're in serious trouble.

30 - Charge Phase 1
WD - medium
beware last wave in large cave. Piss ants, hopefully a few, then fall back to where spiders were previously killed.

29 - Brute Force
AR - medium; WD - hard

22 - A Trap
WD - easy; Ranger - hard
safe place for WD: fly up left, enter leftmost tunnel, then left and go to end (dual Idunn or Thunder Bow a good idea...)

20 - Shining Stronghold
WD - easy

Take levels of difficulty with a grain of salt between different missions. Massive Mobilization is by far the most difficult and with the most chances of going berserk with any class, but there's a lot worse for other classes (although the difficulty lowers a lot if you split screen with a decent class, especially Ranger or even WD). There are lots of missions I can't solve with one class or another, as they're too damn hard, time-consuming or unreliable (or most likely all at the same time).
OK, this is probably wrong. Massive Mobilization is a PITA and you can't rush it. But overall likely Monster Camp is the worst. The start of Star Eaters is also peachy as hell even for the Ranger.

Inferno is always inferno you can lose easily in any mission, just need to make some mistake, more or less stupid.

As a side note, Massive Mobilization is the classic mission you can use to know if the other players know anything of the game or not when you play online. If they start shooting everything randomly without a plan, forget it and just play for fun, as unless one of the players has a gazillion armor and is experienced (and he'll do the whole mission alone with everyone else dead after the 1st minute or less) you'll absolutely never make it. Also if they use explosives on missions it's usually a sign they don't know how to play as in most cases explosives will not kill enemies (due to their increased armor), only spread them and create a bigger mess, that if you're lucky and they don't kill you a ton of times.

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