25 September 2021
EDF - NPCs and their paranoias
Air Raider - Inferno did not end - Guide to Extra Challenge DLC1
If a few of the missions in the main campaign were already difficulty, things here start to get really hairy. There's missions in the DLC1 that are already dreadfully hard for any class, but this is only the starters, even worse will come.
I'll detail the few that I think are manageable without many issues. This is a work in progress, it's quite probable anyway I can't find any even remotely easy solutions for all 15.
Mission 1 - Engage Aggressors 1
This one is easy. There's 4 waves of ants, in wave 3 there's a queen ant, and enemies are in attack mode instead of stand by. The queen will appear isolated to the back far right from start, in the map border near a large avenue. As long as you're the right spot for the queen the end of wave 3 there's nothing much in this mission. Red Guard is enough for 1 queen ant, ZEXR is good for ants, ZEX Launcher too,Phobos 4 will make it even easier. Escape immediately to back to map border, remember turrets are not efficient with obstacles.
WD has a nice life here too, a rapier (for queen, reds and normal ants) and something else with a little more range is all you need (Stardust works fine).
Just an appetizer for the hard stuff...
Mission 2 - Engage Aggressors 2
This mission isn't very hard either. Bring ZEXR, a good exo, Phobos and whatever you want (life vendor, guard post, etc). At start capture NPCs, install ZEXRs, NPC Nix will be wiped out but all ants including golds will die. Keep moving, staying still is always the worse you can do. Call exo, rebuild ZEXR.
Move right near a large number of NPCs. Use Nix to help kill first wave of yellows. A few more will come from front, use Phobos, then Nix.
All others will come from back use ZEXR and Phobos.
Mission 3 - Airborne Enemies
A medium difficulty mission. Bring Phobos, ZEXR, Nix and ZE Blaster or ZERA or ZEX- Launcher. Best place to be is in the corner you're looking from start after a parking lot, so that's where you're going.
Capture left squad, then right and go up. Drop turrets, use Phobos in a way that levels down most of the area near the corner. You should have the nix before arriving there.
Rebuild turrets uses Phobos twice at least in the next wave. Use turrets for stray enemies, but be careful with the 4 frogs as they have long range plasma cannons, advance to them with nix when most small fish is dead to kill them.
Last wave use Phobos twice again, turrets and the 6 cosmos are less problematic than the frogs were.
Mission 4 - Reclaim Base 236
A interesting mission that can be farmed very productively. Transports are too low to hit enemies below them. Even so, Phobos will be nice to get rid of the 2 groups of frogs. ZEXR is really great here. Best second turret is ZE Blaster, yes a DLC 2 weapon. Unfortunately all other turrets suck here, ZEX Launcher and ZEX Rapid Launcher are really dangerous but I've succeeded with either, some luck needed. Best vehicle is Red Guard, for its speed and its weapons work great here.
At start capture both ranger squads while rolling towards the base. When frogs are alerted use Phobos on the group in front. Drop ZEXRs near the base or they won't kill anything. You can probably get a Red Guard now, call it. Use Phobos on right frogs. Capture WD squad to right, return to Red Guard, hopefully some of the WDS from the left squad will still be alive almost under the leftmost transport, which is the best one to farm.
At thus point all the enemies will be 15 red bees from each transport. Go to the one in the back, but if there's many bees don't proceed alone, as most bees will surround you and they will fry the mech in a short time. Go slowly if necessary picking health, so that WDs and Rangers will help.
When under a transport, the Red's burner will fry red bees that are dropping from it, even one is enough. Then hit the transport center with the cannister. Install turrets again when you can to have a easier life. Proceed to the next transport, the one that was at right from start.
Finally only one will be standing. Using the turrets and NPCs for help try to pick as many crates from the map as possible. When happy, procced to last transport.
You need to kill all WD NPCs or they'll bring down the transport. Then just install yourself under it in a position that you can hit the red bees with burner as they drop. Remember shots from 1 burner are enough. You can summon a new Red long before the burner ends.
Once in a while collect the pile of crates.
When bored or think it's enough, bring down transport.
Red bees do provide a reasonable quantity of weapon cartes. I've had 7 in a single wave of 15 red bees. This is a really good farming mission, unfortunately restricted to weapons from levels 77 to 103.
Mission 5 - Infiltrate Base 236
This one is a really hard cave mission. Passing the first rooms isn't hard, problem is the last maze where there will be 6 tunnel exits, 2 spitting silvers and another 2 spitting each one kind of termites.
Dealing with the tunnel exits is what the mission is all about, so either you try to wait for the number of enemies to reduce and then advance or advance ASAP once you open the door to the maze section you have to bring down at least these 4 tunnel exits or the mission isn't solvable.
I did it with ZEXR, FZ-GUN MX, Guard Assist Gun G and Depth Crawler IV Custom (V will help for extra speed and armor), but it's still a stress.
Mission 6 - Defend Base 236
A medium difficulty mission. The hardest are the 2 waves of gold ants and the one with silver spiders, each with an accompanying armored frog. Capturing the WDs at the start will help you with the stray smaller stuff, so you can wipe out the large number of armored frogs which will wipe out your NPCs.
Mission 7 - Engage Teleportation Anchors 1
This mission can be almost completely cheesed if you use a KM6 attack sideways on all large anchors and another on the smaller ones.
Still not terrible in a more normal way. If you hit a pylon all the ones around it will be active. The most important pylons to destroy are the second from the left which drops red bees and the second from the right which drops silver spiders, so if you get rid of these ones first it's easy. Do all the ones in the right or left first before proceeding to the other side.
I did it with 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z, ZEXR-GUN, Guard Post M3 and Powered Exoskeleton Nix ZC. Just capture NPCs and head back. Destroy buildings with cannon to optimize ZEXRs.
Mission 8 - Engage Aliens 1
A relatively easy mission. The only trouble are the 3 multiple rocket launcher frogs on the right side.
I did it with 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z, Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4, Electromagnetic Wall and Powered Exoskeleton Nix ZC or Red Guard. Just try to be precise with Phobos so that most gold ants will be killed. You can also use ZEXRs instead of Phobos (but then you need ZC) and Absolute Bunker instead of Wall.
Mission 9 - Engage Aggressors 3
A medium to easy difficulty mission, which due to the large number of silvers is great for weapons farming.
As long as you deal with the left group first and pick the goodies, then the right one there are no major issues. However, you must deal correctly with the silver king to avoid it crushing your NPCs. Phobos 4 is essential to clear the area and soften spiders for ZEXRs, Red Guard and NPCs.
Mission 10 - Engage Aliens 2
This is a medium difficulty mission. A bazillion armored frogs, with one multiple rocket launcher one in the second wave, and 6 in the third one.
I thought this could be done only by running away around the map border, but frontal attack also works and it's easier. Still, the frogs can easily wipe out all your NPCs and your life will be difficult. Capturing the fencers of the last NPC squad can help to stall the mission, but be careful if they fall into the water pits in the center as they won't get out and will be massacred.
Mission 11 - Underground 1
A medium difficulty mission that can be done with the right gear. Really good for weapons farming
Mission 12 - Underground 2
I never thought I could do this one reliably, but it's not dreadful after all It's still hard. And long. There are 3 crucial moments in the mission. Checking the video will help since this will be easier to understand with it.
The problem is this mission are not the Araneas, which won't be a big issue if you're inside the vehicle but destroying the transporters is. There is a safe spot to conquer at the start, but still there will be extra enemies that spawn each time you destroy a transporter, the 4th will spawn a wave of silver spiders and the 5th a wave of gold ants.
There are 6 transporters, 4 in the main cave and 2 in a smaller dual cave that is the place you'll need to conquer in order to survive. In the small cave you'll find a spiders transport in a ledge near the big cave, and a fast green ants one in the smaller back cave. In the big cave there's a black ants transporter, a red ants, a bees and a spiders. Enemies are in stand-by mode, and they won't attack if Araneas try to hit you, but they will if you hit any of their transports. The first goal is conquering
You should really do this mission or at least the start on easy to know the paths, and the transporters locations.
You'll need 3 turrets: the ZEX Launcher, the ZEXR-GUN and the FZ-GUN MX. Although the ZEX is usually dangerous it's key for the silver spider's time. I tried using the ZE Blaster but wouldn't work at this phase. The vehicle can be either the Depth Crawler IV Custom or the V, you just have to be a lot more conservative with the IV, ai's a lot slower and it has less 5000 health.
At start you need to get a vehicle. So throw in the opening the ZEXRs and ZEX Launchers down, more towards the left. Then throw 2 FZ-GUNs below your ledge, put one on each side of the opening and one in the back of the ledge to cover enemies coming from below. If you have less than 6 FZ-GUNs, the ones covering your ledge are the essential ones. Activate ZEXRs, then activate FZ-GUNs. You should have a vehicle in some time. Summon the vehicle in the back of the ledge to avoid issues. climb on top of it. When ZEXRs are ready install them on the top of the vehicle. Activate ZEX, force rebuild of FZ-GUNs as you'll need them ready shortly, activate ZEXRs and proceed to the small cave with the green ant's transporter (left side of the big cave). Ignore everything on the way except an Aranea that is in your path after you entered the smaller cave. You must eliminate this one as it's too near your safe spot and will create trouble, use the DC cannons to help, the ZEXRs will too. Once the Aranea is dead proceed to the smaller cave. If there are green ants alive wait until the ZEXRs kill them, then exit and throw the FZ-GUN Launchers towards the corner so that will be used if it's needed which is likely.
From this point on the goal is always to wait until all small enemies are in stand by and all the ones that would be attacking you are dead.
When this happens the next step is destroying a spiders transport and an Aranea that are on a ledge just top of the second cave, which was totally ignored at the start. Install 2 ZEXRs on the sides of the DC, one on each side. 2 more on the cave corner. Always have the ZEX Launcher and FZ-GUNs installed on the corner for the enemies that will come, and remember that these 2 if they're active they'll trash your vehicle besides the enemies. Don't be hasty if necessary do this on several steps, just get to safety when enemies are coming. While destroying this near transport you should activate the ZEXRs before going to action, you can do that later on other occasions. Remember when enemies are coming retreat to the safety of the inner cave and activate at least the FZ-GUNs. It's useful if you have the ZEXRs, the FZ-GUNs and ZEX Launcher in your inventory in this order.
Once this is done it's a lot easier to handle the big cave. At this point, the 4 transports in the main cave remain. Your issue are them ignore the Araneas unless needed. You can't hit all transports from the smaller caves. The spider one is above and behind the main pillar in the big cave and it's out of reach. The bees are your less problematic enemies they have problems going inside the smaller caves. The worst enemies for now are the black ants as they're faster. So destroying the black ants transporter to the left is the first step. You'll have to destroy 2 Araneas webs (and respective Araneas if possible, but not essential), so do this first.
Always return to safety when necessary, always summon new vehicles, always rebuild turrets, always install 2 ZEXRs on each DC, and 2 more on the ground, always leave the ZEXRs chosen so that they can be easily activated by doing that in a snap exiting and entering the vehicle. If you don't do this, you'll probably die.
Remember once any transport is destroyed more enemies will spawn in the big cave. The black ants one will be easy. Once it's gone and all is calm you'll have to deal with the reds one. This one will be harder for 2 reasons it's difficult to hit and you'll get a nice bunch of silvers to deal with. Although you can really see the red ants transporter, you can hit the ground / pillar near it with the bazookas and the blast will eventually destroy it. You should test this on easy first, this is finicky to achieve. During this retreat, it's ESSENTIAL to activate both FZ-GUNs and ZEX Launcher simultaneously when you retreat as the FZs are not enough to handle the horde. Rebuild ZEXRs and install them all in the ground as the Launcher will end long before the FZs, and you can't take risks. Silvers can be slow and it's not unusual that 2 or more will come later. This is the more dangerous step along with the start phase.
Once this is over, deal with the bees transport, easily visible on the right side. Although the gold ants are easier to handle than the silver spiders still activate both FZs and ZEXs and do the same. One or more goldies can also take a stroll and arrive later, be careful, they can trash your vehicle in a snap.
When this is finished all that remains is a few Araneas and the spiders transport. Install FZ-GUNs and ZEXRs on top of the vehicle, and proceed to the main cave by the right side to the place where you started. Hiding there from the Aaranea threads activate both turrets and continue to the right until you can hit the spiders transport on the main pillar. Ignore the Araneas, just focus on the transport. Retreat to your safe spot if needed and return again. Remember even normal spiders webs are dangerous and do SERIOUS damage to the DC in the open, so don't take risks at this point or you'll regret it (it happened to me a few times when I thought I was a superstar 😂😐😐😐).
Once this final transport is gone, all that will remain are Araneas, which will be easy to handle as they don't do too much damage to the vehicle.
A few notes:
-ZEX Launchers can't be installed in the DC they will crush it. They and FZ-GUNs MX will damage the vehicle if they're on the ground, ZEXRs won't
- a normal spider can do close to 5000 damage in an attack on a vehicle, of course silver spiders and golden ants are much worse, but always consider this when you're in the open
This is a fun mission to do. It's still hard. It's dreadful for crates, due to how long and hard it is. Don't try to shorten things you'll probably die, do this carefully and with time and it can be done.
Mission 13 - Engage Aliens 3
This mission is dreadfully hard, especially the 4th wave, after the 3rd probably wiped out almost all your NPCs.
I already did it but had to use Nix Assault and ZE Blaster, although perhaps there was a slim chance that Red Guard could have worked too.
Although most people seem to prefer using bomber attacks (KM6 or Phobos) I stick with turrets. They work pretty well with tadpoles and ZE Blaster is awesome with frogs if you can bottleneck them. Bombers don't allow you to avoid destroying deroys during the 1st phase as this can always happen while you're attacking frogs, and hitting them in the 4th with them is always a gamble. Gunship attack is more precise and needs no points to replenish, although perhaps a Spritefall could work too.
During the first wave focus on the frogs, as the Nix and other NPCs will deal with the Deroys. The problem is that the frogs will concentrate fire on you and it becomes hard. Gathering the NPCs is useful as they will be massacred if you don't, and it becomes more troublesome with fewer NPCs. The ones on the right side are in bigger danger as they don't get support from the Nixes. If you don't destroy all Deroys you can stall the start of the 3rd phase until this happens, which is very useful for replenishing NPCs health.
Lay down ZEXRs for the 1st wave of tadpoles near the Nixes. Gathering the NPCs before was useful as the rangers and fencers that were more away would be massacred at this point if you didn't do that.
Lay down the ZE Blasters again near the hopefully still alive Nixes for the 2nd wave of tadpoles and try to get as many health crates as possible for the NPCs. If you can install ZEXRs near the ZE Blasters better.
When this wave shows up activate all turrets you can and proceed along the road to its left from your start position. The 4th wave will spawn when there are less than 30 tadpoles alive from the 110 that compose the 3rd wave. When you reach a pronounced left turn, you'll have a small hill in front of you and the goal is to reach the other side of this hill. Go along the road and you can follow a path to reach your destination. During this travel, you'll surely encounter at least 3 frogs that spawn precisely on the spot you'll be aiming to reach. Try to deal with the deroys you can along the way.
Rebuild ZE Blaster and ZEXR ASAP when you reach your goal and install the ZE Blaster in the small canyon leading to the hill back from the road, for the frogs, and the ZEXRs (not all) in the hill back (for the blue tadpoles). Kill as many deroys as possible, the 2 further back and left are likely the 2 middle ones with more plasma cannons that are more important to destroy.
Mission 14 - Engage Aggressors 4
A medium difficulty mission,
I did it with Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4, ZEXR-GUN and Red Guard. The third weapon can be a guard post, life vendor, whatever you want Just capture NPCs and deal with the 4 waves. Judicious use of the Phobos and correct rebuild of the ZEXRs will help a lot.
Bad for weapons.
Mission 15 - Engage Outpost Base
22 September 2021
EDF games - benefits and disadvantages of playing online
It's crystal clear that EDF games are created to play in coop. It comes to the ridiculous point that Vita games are REALLY meant to be played online (!?!?!?!?!?!?!?, smart decision Sandlot).
Granted there's tremendous fun to play them online, it's rare to find such a pleasant game to do so. If you find the right people it can be absolutely awesome. However, this is problem number one, finding the right people. I played mostly 2025 online, only found one gamer that was a pleasure to play with and we did solve most missions, even without voice chat. But let's not be naive most people will finish online, especially inferno, with at least 1 person in their party with a gazillion armor, which was acquired leggit or not, doesn't matter. The others will be dead all throughout the majority of the mission. And unless the party host has limits off doing some missions in lower difficulties with weapon and armor limits can be really troublesome.
In EDF 5 (and in 4.1) the game is actually easier if you play with 3 or 4 people online. You have 4 times the firepower and different abilities with 2x the difficulty in the case of 3, 2.64x in the case of 4, so as long as everyone knows how to handle things and it's coordinated it can and will be easier. If it's chaos and everyone for himself it's impossible to solve anything, which unfortunately it's what usually happens and why I generally don't like and avoid playing EDF online. The only major issue is that NPCs usually die faster as they're not scaled as much but more importantly their issues and problems become bigger.
But with the right party it's a hell of fun.
21 September 2021
EDF 5 - M40 Brutal Battlefield Inferno weapons auto farming solo AR
Ideal weapons:
- Heavy Bomber Phobos Plan 4 for initial massacre
- ZERA-GUN to pretend it kills anything in inferno
- Anti-Aircraft Bunker ME, best thing I could find to keep me alive until the Nix arrives
- Nix Red Armor, best exoskeleton to use here under level 70. Still the revolver (R1 on PS4) has damage falloff so take this into consideration.
Weapons should be almost fully upgraded to succeed, or at least will improve a LOT your chances
Armor: 1000+
Can't be done with base armor, due to how hectic the mission is, it's extremely difficult not to be hit, specially by drones.
19 September 2021
EDF 2025 - Inferno high end weapons farming guide
In Earth Defense Force 2025 (地球防衛軍4.1 in Japan, so basically EDF 4 there) the good missions for weapons farming are different from 4.1. Air Raider has a huge edge on this, as he's the easiest class to achieve this.
The last 3 missions are not exactly high end, but the ones that enable you to reach 71+.
- Mission 82 - Battle to the Death
This is the best and easiest mission for high end weapons. The main reason is that you can farm infinitely (within limits 😁) a large carrier dropping hectors, which can yield more weapon crates than usual enemies. Air Raider rules here, as expected:
Other weapons than the ones I used can also work (dual ZEXR), but the shield gives peace of mind in the end
- Mission 84 - Scorching
A medium difficulty mission for the AR, with the Epsilon Blast Railgun E and dual ZEXR. Can be infinitely farmed at the end if you leave the left transport alive that drops ants. Killing all flying vehicles from first wave will take time but can be faster split screen using the second class. On second wave most important is killing giant bee followed by center transport that drops spiders. Second best mission after 82.
- Mission 83 - Massive Mobilization
A medium difficulty mission for the AR, with the Epsilon Blast Railgun E and dual ZEXR. Can be infinitely farmed at the end if you leave the back left transport alive that drops ants. Biggest issue in this mission is the Flying Vehicles, as one can kill you in a snap if you have below 2000ish armor. The rest of the mission is easy if you only attack one transport at a time. Hectors and deroys are a piece of cake with Epsilon.
Unless you can snipe flying vehicles with a second class it's advisable to make a few runs with ZEXRs at start to try to reduce their numbers, it's boring but will pay off.
- Mission 85 - Star Eaters
Not a awful mission after all, can be done in roughly 15 minutes with AR. Drops are spread and not many, but quality is usually good as it's the last mission.
- Mission 77 - Fallen Flagship
Reasonable mission with AR or Ranger, but sometimes killing the shield bearers becomes a nightmare as you can go down the crater and they come up and you're in trouble if you can't go up again.
- Mission 71 - Death Queen
The start of this mission is daunting for everyone except the Wing Diver. Equip RZR Launcher or similar, immediately fly and shoot down to kill "flock" of spiders. Don't come down from ledge until all, or almost, spiders are killed. Not stellar in weapon crates but good.
2025 missions are not in the dark, so they're easier than in 4.1. BTW you can learn the maps in 4.1 by playing the similar missions in 2025, maps are equal and most cave missions are almost equal.
- Mission 45 - Blue Fighters
A easy mission for the Air Raider or Ranger. Since you're killing hectors infinitely in the first wave, it's productive as hectors have a higher chance of dropping weapon crates. All other missions until the end ones are not very interesting
- Mission 14 - Preventing Landfall
A easy one due to the massive number of NPCs. Just help with the drones, and with what you can with the hectors. But mission is almost after mission 11, so weapon drops are not that interesting, as mot good ones will be already in your possession.
- Mission 11 - Air Force
A almost self farming mission. Just go to the tunnel under the bridge just in front of start and wait there that the NPCs almost finish third wave of drones, then exit and pick crates. Kump on the ledge in the back of tunnel to avoid drone hits.
14 September 2021
EDF Sandlot games - graphics quality, why are they so "bad" 😂
13 September 2021
EDF 4.1 - Air Raider and its quartet of wonder setups
The EDF western games syndrome - Part 2 - Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Oh boy. It's clear how this is going to be...
I'm perfectly open to all kinds of games. I would love for a similar game to EDF to show up (closest things are Dead Nation and Alienation, and by closest it's still really far, only similar in vague terms of gameplay).
I don't even own yet EDF Iron Rain. I played it for 2 hours on a powerful PC of a friend who liked the game (but doesn't like EDF 4.1... 😁) and had mostly finished it and almost everything unlocked.
It's crystal clear to anyone that EDF Iron Rain is not a EDF Sandlot game, and that was likely the objective. But that is precisely the main issue with the game. EDF Sandlot games are really good because of the gameplay. They have fans because of the gameplay. But that wasn't replicated or used in Iron Rain. If they tried it was a fantastic success like in IA.
The story is reasonable? Seems so. There's a lot of customization? Yep. There's a new class, the Prowl Rider? Yes, he's there and it's moderately fun to play. I could not care less about a story or customizations, that so many people insist on asking Sandlot to add, when the game is a boredom fest to play. Does customization change the gameplay at all? I know I didn't experience it but it's a awful grinding fest like IA. Yes I know Sandlot games clearly don't excel in that dept either.
The NPC are dreadful incompetent and dumb. Some enemies are nice. Some graphics and animations are dreadful, some are good. There's no hordes. Small maps. Few missions. No strategy, just mostly dumb shooting / slashing. Ouch...
Yuke's did try and probably even did a decent job and yes they introduced a more different and better game than IA. Many people even do enjoy the game, but many people enjoyed IA too (how on earth can that be possible...😋😁). But this was a disaster in the making because like in Insect Armageddon, they removed the most brilliant aspect of EDF, and tried to make something that's it's not like it. Which again is fine, but then just call it Iron Rain. This is like selling a new Coca Cola that is Fanta. No matter how much you call it Coca Fanta, it's most likely not either and not good. This is the biggest issue with these games, they're not even remotely relate to Sandlot games except in theme, that is kill bugs. So do the smart thing market them as different games not EDF ones. As a brainless shooter is slightly fun, sell it as such a game. But they don't and shoot themselves in the feet.
D3 and Yuke abandoned the game shortly after the release, no wonder. The game wasn't successful in the west and a complete flop in Japan. Yes it's still miles better than Insect Armageddon, but it's still light years away even from EDF 4.1.
I'll buy it once it's less than 5 euros... Mostly for laughs. 🤣
I don't think they have learned the lesson and we'll see a third take. D3 is even owned now by Bandai Namco the japanese equivalent of EA / Activision smartness, so we can surely expect that.
Last. I see so many people asking for Prowl Rider to be added to the Sandlot games. I truly hope not, I'm 99.99% sure it will be one of the worst decisions and dreadful mistakes Sandlot will do to the game. The class simply does not fit into the Sandlot style of gameplay.
The EDF western games syndrome - Part 1.5 - EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 WINGDIVER THE SHOOTER
This will be really short...
Yes I know this isn't exactly a games for western audiences, it was a game for EDF fans.
First issue. Why was the title all in caps ??????? They needed to shout it?
Second issue. Who on earth thought a 2D shooter would work with a giant weapon grind? And with pseudo 3D enemies?
Third and last. The game is a weak shoot'em up. The game is a weak EDF game. The game is a weak game.
This sums it all up. It was a flop and it was justified to be one. Sadly wrote more than the game deserves.
It's a error to try to milk the cow of the core fans with pointless games.
11 September 2021
Best games of all time on all platforms
This is an always difficult list to make. I've played a ton of games in my life, but some do stand out above everything else. The most troublesome is to be objective and not subjective. I'll try that.
Platform games
- Super Mario series. Since Super Mario 64, Nintendo crafted what simply defines a platform game. I read eons ago an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto that they started the games by working on the Mario movement and controls and that's what it's all about. Fluidity and joy.
- Ori series. Microsoft did hit gold when they bought Moon Studios. Ori was built on the same principles as the Mario games and it shows. It's simply a joy to play these 2 beautiful games. Hope there's a third
- Rayman series. Some brilliance and originality along with great gameplay
Honorable mentions. Iconoclasts, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Fez, Celeste
LittleBigPlanet series (mostly 1 and 2) deserve a mention for truly fantastic and original ideas, lousy games, unfortunately. Rare's games from their golden age (Banjo's games, Donkey Kong Country, Knight Lore) are still quite good but have not aged that well. Psychonauts 2, seems very interesting, the first was good but not enough.
Racing/driving games
- Kart series, Nintendo. Simply the best and most fun, not pure racing but very well done brilliant gameplay and with decent AI
- Forza Horizon Series. Another Microsoft smart buy. These games are good and really enjoyable to play
Honorable mentions. Gran Turismo series, Blur (a game with half-decent and interesting AI, but plagued with other issues), Burnout Paradise (dumb but fun)
Shooter / Twin Stick shooters
- Geometry Wars series. Simplicity is sometimes the best approach, a fine example of this
- Dead Nation. Best Housemarque game by far.
- Assault Android Cactus
- Robotron: 2084. Yep, still that good, a simple concept but a really good one
- Ikaruga. A synonym with extreme difficulty
Honorable mentions. R-Type series. Alienation (could be the best of all, a true pity of too much RNG downgrading the game). Gradius series. Radiant Silvergun. DoDonPachi. Sine Mora.
FPS Action
- Horizon Zero Dawn. A decent story (not important but better than a bad one), interesting combat, and good enemies. As a whole miles away from all similar games anyway.
Games with no specific genre
Or that don't fall exactly into other categories
- Journey. Not exactly a game, but a really good experience
- No Mans Sky. A launch disaster that evolved into something awesome and unique. Best continued development of a game ever. Kudos to Sean Murray.
- Sandlot EDF series. A series of games like no other.
- Elite Dangerous. Be prepared for hundreds of hours of gameplay to be good at it
9 September 2021
EDF 5 - Wing Diver's road to Inferno's end
Not really a fan of the Wing Diver in EDF 5. The charge before mechanics are more a nuisance than a benefit. People say she was overpowered in 4.1 but it wasn't the case, quite the contrary as now you can overcharge a really powerful weapon, use it and will not have any effect in your energy. The main benefit of her was that it become easy and reliable to really manage energy. You had weapons with a clip, knew how much you could use them before getting into trouble, then played the game according to that. Now it's the opposite. You never know when you'll go into emergency charge. Having to hold the weapon charge is a absolute crap even worse with the annoying beeps. I do find myself only using Rapiers and not much else. Stardust Cannon is a interesting weapon but very dangerous to use unfortunately.
The fun of the WD was the guerrilla tactics and sneak somewhere and wreck it then fall back, recover and repeat and that is a lot more unreliable if you're wasting uncontrollably a lot of your energy pach charging weapons continuously. Frankly even the Ranger seems really interesting compared to her now. Or the fencer... Crap.
Mission 106 - Suicide Squad
Mission 91 - Sparking Abyss
Mission 73 - Light Defenses
8 September 2021
Lego Games on consoles - which ones are good, which ones are bad
Lego Games has always been one of my favorites. Not only I loved Lego bricks as a child, the main magnet towards the games is the humour and silliness, along with some well crafted worlds and clever situations. The story isn't a plus for me in games, if I want a good story I watch a movie, or better read a book. Even so some of the Lego Games have reasonable crafted stories anyway, and the ones based on licensed properties sometimes are successful in following the original story.
There's a reasonable gap around 2012 between the games. Previous to this date games had no dialogs and the story was told by animated sketches with grunts. After 2012 games have voice dialogs to convene the story. I do think the humour was much better and generally more accomplished on the older games. This was far more difficult to do, as it's like the difference between making humour in silent movies and movies with recorded sound.
Console games
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
This is a compilation of the 2 original games of what can be considered a "Lego game" (2005's Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and 2006's Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy). They're both really well done games with lots of humour, silly situations and some good intros. The plot line of the first 6 movies is sparsely followed, it's not perfect but not bad. Graphics and details is largely inferior compared to newer games, but were good for the time and were improved in the compilation from the original GameCube / PlayStation 2 / Xbox versions. The game engine was in its infancy, several things are still very basic. It has co-op play but in a limited manner, as both players would be only able to move in a shared window with border limits. Even though it's the first game(s) it's still one of the best and you should really not miss it.
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Considering how exceptional the original material for a game that explored humour could be, this one is good but not stellar. It follows sparsely the story of the first 3 movies. There's a few clever ideas but nothing really fancy.
While being inferior to the 2 Star Wars previous games, it's still a good game to play.
Lego Batman: The Videogame
The first super hero based Lego game and it's quite good. The plot is original, and reasonable. It plays differently from previous games, you can play hero and villains missions.
It's much better than Indiana Jones which was released in the same year.
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
A sequel to the first Indiana game, the first to have trophies on PS3, as the others already had on the xBox 360. IJ and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the worst of the 4 movies, the plot is just dumb and there's less silliness and humour. Not that IJ and the Temple of Doom was a good one either. Although many people love this game I find it inferior to even the first Indiana game.
They added a creator which was more or less useless, and force you to finish a completely pointless and boring replay that adds nothing if you want all achievements / trophies.
This one I would recommend to just skip.
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1–4
Telltales being a British company it would have been dreadful if they made a bad Harry Potter game. It doesn't disappoint. They follow the plot of the original story remarkably well. There's plenty of good humour and silliness. The hub is quite good, and is well integrated in the game. Graphics and gameplay that had evolved since the first Star Wars Saga are even better here.
Only downside is that it's a buggy game, thankfully not much at least in my experience, but it's worse than previous ones. They probably tried to push the game engine too much and the problems showed up. It's still one of the Lego games I do recommend that you shouldn't miss, Harry Potter fan or not.
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
I was probably expecting too much of this one. Having loved the Complete Saga I was hoping this one to be better. The game was reasonable until I got to the first battle between armies, in which you control one side. When I saw it and started playing I was thinking, wow this is amazing. Really, really short excitement time, when I saw how absolutely dreadful and pointless theses missions are it was a absolute pain to do any of them. I thought it would have strategy but there's none, it's mostly dumb as bats squads on your side and vehicles so slow you'll fall asleep driving them, and stellar armies and leaders on the other side. Unless you cheat (hint use Super Speeder) many of the timed battles I think are impossible to achieve. I did try but lost my patience.
The space battles are good and cleverly done. Major drag is that you must return to a central point in the hub to change characters.
Another one I recommend skipping as you'll likely be bored to death to fish the battle missions too.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
I'm not a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Still like with Harry Potter, clearly there were huge fans of the movies at Telltales and they made a really good game. It has the best humor and silliest situations of all the Lego games. It has very clever and original uses of the game mechanics. It really could be a stellar game. But it's not due to bugs, bugs and more bugs. The game would freeze a ton of times. It finally come to a section in the boat's hull where I had to move bombs, and there it was a absolute nightmare (rebuild of the PS3 disk each time😑😐). The game would always freeze and I could not progress. When I thought I couldn't finish it and was going to throw the towel I decided to try another character besides Jack Sparrow, and amazingly the game did not crash. Well it did in other areas, but I was able to finally finish the boat area. Don't use Jack Sparrow unless you need the compass...
If you forget the bugs it's even the best overall, followed by SW complete Saga and both Harry Potter games. Problem is if you're unlucky and get the freezing nightmare...
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5–7
Like the first Harry Potter game this one is very good too. There isn't much to add, just a sequel with the same qualities. And the bugs too unfortunately.
Still highly recommended like the first.
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
This one had a first: the first Lego game to add dialog. Original dialogs, since Lego Batman games have original stories.
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Another first: not dialogs, that were launched in the previous game, but movie dialogs, with scenes using original dialogs from the movie.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Lego City Undercover
The Lego Movie Videogame
Lego The Hobbit
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Lego Jurassic World
Lego Dimensions
Lego Marvel's Avengers
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Lego Worlds
Lego The Incredibles
Lego DC Super-Villains
The Lego Movie 2 Videogame
Portable console games
Lego Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
7 September 2021
EDF 5 - DLC 2-8 Inferno weapons farming solo AR
A ton of silver spiders, and just that 😂😑😑😑😑😑. Not only do they have a gazillion armor, but their movement is also very varied and unreliable. It's very usual to see a spider jump half the map to your back, and in the case of this mission, it's not only one. The main issue is how fast you can be in a sea of webs and even one of the supplied 175k+ armor Nixs will melt in 1 or 2 secs.
It can be done just using them but the number of ammo in all 4 Nixs is not exactly enough, but not very comfortable to be safe.
There are 4 Nixs along with a squad of WDs in each in 2 of the beaches, to the back left from start. The WD NPCs have tremendous issues leaving the main beach, even the group in the smaller beach is sometimes slaughtered as it gets to the main beach from their initial position.
2 places will spawn more than 10 silvers if you pass near them, the jp wiki mentions 3 but the one by the beach will the spiders spawn anyway if you go near it or not. The easiest to know is the bridge (where you start in the infamous easy to farm mission 87) and in the mountains near the river to the left and right of this bridge. I do think it's possible that on some occasions and runs they will spawn anyway, at least it seems to happen.
There are 165 silver spiders in this mission. Considering that they usually drop 2 crates (but can also be just 1 or 3), it's at least 330 crates. Remember that only 128 crates can be on the map at the same time and the goal is crate collection, not zipping through the mission.
Essential weapons:
- Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4. I think I tried every weapon to see which ones could kill, delay or cause havoc on the spiders to help. This was the only one that worked. It's also easy to use since you can just exit a Nix and launch it without aiming, it will be in the direction you are facing and you just need to step back a little to avoid getting hit.
- FZ-GUN MX or ZEXR-GUN. The first are the best towers to handle silvers, as they stun them and can do that to several at once. However, for collection purposes, the ZEXRs can be more useful. You can also use the DLC KM6 Plan X18 if you have it, but unlike the Phobos won't stun and blast spiders, and it won't kill them in 1 attack unless they're in the center of the attack pattern
- Guard Assist Gun G. These will help tremendously in the survival of the Nix. A major plus is how fast they rebuild. Not easy or a good idea to apply during the more stressful Nix changes,
- Blacker E9 or E10, for its speed, it's the best escape vehicle. You can also try a Grape. The Nix Assault is also quite good.
Armor: 1000+
surviving until the vehicle arrives isn't easy. After that you either manage or not, no armor will save your ass if things go berserk
Drop the turrets to your back around the start position. Your goal is to capture the NPCs and stay near the blocked tunnel entrance, so spread the turrets in a way that covers the enemy's approach from their spawn points. When near the tunnel, start throwing Phobos attacks, with some luck 1 or 2 silvers will die, enabling you to call the vehicle. You'll probably be able to call 3 or 4 Phobos attacks but after the second it's likely a new wave of spiders will have spawned outside the map to the tunnel side, so throw the Phobos to that area.
Surviving until the vehicle arrives is unreliable. Keep moving slightly, shoot a Guard gun pellet to the ground to help if you want. When the vehicle arrives, use a Guard pellet on it and enter it. If it's a tank run away immediately to the beach by the right track. If it's a Nix Assault you can stay in the start area and clean up the 2 initial spider waves.
Your Nix Assaults have 90k armor, the 4 that the mission has provided on the beaches have almost twice that. Once you reach the smaller beach capture the WDs, enter a Nix if necessary (it will be mandatory if you're in a tank), and proceed to the next beach. The Nix Asssult is fast and its jumps are huge but be careful as sometimes it's a hindrance. It's also really easy to get into an uncontrolled fall on them or be stuck in slow motion during a climb. The NPC WDs have some real troubles crossing the area between the 2 beaches, often they will get stuck in that area and will be massacred by the spiders.
From this point on, the whole idea is to get from the end of the big beach to the start area, killing a few spiders at these ends, to avoid spreading too much the crates. Once you hop back to the other area, prepare turrets, rebuild Guard Gun and summon new Nix Assault if you want and have it, and pick all the crates you can.
You just have to be careful when the last wave of 60 silvers spawns at the end of the bigger beach. This wave will destroy your Nix if you're not careful, so get away from that point if you're near when they spawn. Once you've done this mission a few times it does become reasonably easy.
Take advantage of the last one or two spider groups that can be spawned at the end, as these can also provide a few weapon crates.
With the ranger and WD something similar can be done but takes more time and you have to be a LOT more careful. The lack of the Guard gun means the supplied Nixes can fry in a snap, you can't leave turrets to do your job while you're picking crates and you can't summon further Nixes (if that was your choice). The AR has a huge advantage here.
5 September 2021
EDF 5 - Air Raider DLC weapons analysis
The AR seems to be the neglected child when it comes to DLC weapons. Most are plain insipid or not useful. Granted he received the best kit in the main game towards the end.
DLC 1 - Level 100 - B10 Mortar
Like all other Artillery weapons, they're useless. Too slow and too difficult to pinpoint.
DLC 2 - Level 108 - T2HS Rocket Cannon
A Gunship attack, just a high-speed version of the level 86 one, as they share the same stats. Insipid.
DLC 1 - Level 102 - Heavy Bomber Phobos J Cluster Bombs
A bomber attack that is overall inferior to the Phobos Z Plan 4. The extra damage from the cluster bombs won't likely kill many different enemies from the Phobos, the hit area is smaller and it's very slow to arrive. Phobos Z Plan 4 remains king of usefulness.
DLC 2 - Level 106 - Combat Bomber KM6 Plan X18
An interesting variation of the KM6 that has 18 planes in a star pattern. The pattern isn't useful for all occasions but it can be used in a few missions, but its huge area is a problem in missions with enemies on standby as it becomes difficult to avoid them. Hefty reload points, more than 3000 when fully upgraded, which makes it hard to use on most missions as the majority of enemies will wield usually less than 100 points. It's interesting for levels with lots of silver spiders as these provide 1700 points for each kill, but they will only die if they're hit by the attack center, and unlike with the Phobos they are not spread around and stunned. Even on mission 108 which has a huge number of enemies, it's a difficult weapon to have available for regular use.
DLC 2 - Level 110 - Heavy Bomber Vesta E Plan X2
Like all napalm bomb Vestas it's nice but doesn't work all that well. It's not efficient and many enemies will not be hit by hit. Unlike KM6 and Phobos, it won't be a major help to solve any mission.
DLC 1 - Level 106 - Lionic UA45XE
The Lionics are fun but won't solve any problems. This one it's still the same crap.
DLC 2 - Level 107 - Limpet Splendor ZAM
Another pea shooter, yay... 😂
DLC 1 - Level 104 - ZEX Rapid Launcher
A faster shooting version of the Launcher with more rounds that deliver less damage. It's rarely useful due to the issues I described for the lower turret. Ends in a snap too.
DLC 2 - Level 111 - ZE Blaster
A really powerful turret. Probably best DLC weapon for the AR. On city missions, you can install them on walls or other environmental items to take down transports. Only slow as hell to turn around, but massive damage and stuns enemies.
DLC 2 - Level 112 - Absolute DZ Bunker
An even better version of a good shield, providing twice the durability. although it must be said that the level 89 one was enough for me until now.
DLC 1 - Level 102 - Powered Titan
The Titans are fun but more useful in multiplayer games. They're slow as molasses and need several players to really take advantage of them.
DLC 2 - Level 106 - Blacker E10
The Blacker's main point is its speed and that you can now install bunkers on its top making it a speedy fortress. The weapon can be useful, but it's imprecise, it has a ton of recoil and it's easy to destroy the tank and NPCs.
DLC 1 - Level 101 - Caliban Support Vehicle SA Turbo
The Caliban is not that useful, especially in solo play. They have reasonable speed, and provide health recovery but 0 ways to defend themselves, don't heal NPCs and it still takes time. There are more interesting options in vehicles.
DLC 2 - Level 108 - Armored Vehicle Grape SRXE
The Grape is difficult to control but it has smashing speed and its weapon has an auto-aim. If you can master its controls you can do amazing things with one. There's one Japanese player that you can take a few driving lessons from and strategies, he's a master with Grapes, it's on the video recommendation pages.
Still, the Grape isn't foolproof for mistakes in EDF 5, like it was in 4.1. You can turn it on its sides and upside down a lot easier than it was on the older game.
DLC 2 - Level 107 - N9 Eros Vulture ZAM
I do hate the heli controls in the game, so this one is irrelevant to me. Specs seem reasonable.
DLC 1 - Level 104 - Nix Saber
An exoskeleton with laser swords. It's cool but ineffective.
DLC 2 - Level 112 - Nix Assault
A quick movement exoskeleton like the Red Guard, but marred by inferior weaponry. The explosions are the same as the Nix Grenadier EZ ones, but you have 2 sets there. The Grenadier is no big deal either. Tried to use it on several missions but either the Red Guard or Nix ZC were always much better options. The machine guns are interesting but they have damage fall-off, so they're only good at close range.
Well, opinions can change. He's not actually that bad and can be useful when speedy movement is crucial, like on missions 100 and DLC 2-8 and 2-12. It has a tendency to skid after landing from a jump so be careful if you exit it, it can stop quite away from you.
DLC 2 - Level 103 - Depth Crawler V
The best Depth Crawler, with enough armor and firepower to withstand many thorny situations. Very speedy, sometimes even too much as it's difficult to stay correctly in the ground in narrow tunnels. Very useful anyway. This is probably the best vehicle of the DLC ones.
DLC 2 - Level 110 - Strike Barga
Like helis, Bargas are not my cup of tea. But let's face it the armor of this thing is huge. The problem is that measly spiders and gold ants melt it in a snap. Control sucks too, not as bad as the heli but not far. Still using a Barga once in a while it's cool, and they have more possibilities in multiplayer.
Very few interesting weapons for the AR in the DLCs. The Blacker and Depth Crawler are simply evolutions of previous ones and not very dramatic ones, the DLC Barga does have a huge armor, the Assault will come in handy in a few missions. And in weapons, only the ZE Blaster is really useful or different from main game weapons. The KM6 Plan X18 is too costly in points to be viabke,
A big disappointment.
3 September 2021
EDF 5 - M98 Coastal Defense Line Inferno weapons farming solo AR
Messy mission = AR rocks
This one isn't as fun as 94, or as hectic but still a bit of a mess.
Ideal weapons:
- Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4 to help kill colonists, and damage Cosmos
- ZEXR to help with flying enemies
- ZEX Launcher for the same effect. Don't use the ZEX Launcher when the tadpoles are present, you'll likely regret it... 😋
- Nix ZC will be much more useful here, but Red Guard can also work
Weapons don't have to be fully upgraded to succeed.
Armor: 1000+
Can be done with base armor, but due to how hectic the mission is, it's difficult not to be hit, especially by drones.
EDF 5 - Air Raider weapons analysis, what's good, what's bad
If you want a specific weapon you need to find out the mission range where you can get it and play those missions. For EDF 5 use the weapons wiki:
and then cross-reference with the Japanese wiki weapons drop level by mission (use Chrome's or
Edge's built-in translator if needed, just to see the chart it's not)
or use leafierlemon's site:
This is the answer to "where can I get x weapon". Yes, you'll have to dig it for yourself and yes it takes time and effort to find out all you'll want. EDF is like this, get used to it.
Again weapon drops are totally dependent on RNG, you can play the same mission 100 times and never get the one you want even if it's within its range of drops.
Moving on...
In the plethora of weapons for each class, there are only a few that are really useful and problem solvers. Some weapons, although mighty fun to use are not reliable or useful enough to help with the final goal, which is finishing the missions. I'll try to detail the ones that are good for practical purposes, and just mostly ignore the ones that aren't. Do realize that many weapons are not really helpful in inferno, due to enemies' speed, aggressiveness, and armor. Inferno is a completely different beast from even hardest.
No weapon is perfect, they all have pluses and minuses. There's no essential weapon, but a few are the most useful to solve the vast majority of missions.
In 4.1 the AR had the Epsilon Railgun, which was so good that he could be called the Epsilon Railgun class. Although the Ranger inherited it was a poisoned gift, as now it's mostly a toy.
Most of the Air Raider weapons require planning, brains, and knowledge of the mission. He's the most overpowered class by Inferno end in EDF 5 due to the sheer power of his air attacks and vehicles.
Artillery Units
These are almost useless now. They have not changed much and that's the problem, the others have and they're much better. They require you to send a grenade-like flare. The first problem, this is imprecise. Second, it takes really quite some time for the attack to occur, so unless it's a static enemy forget it. Third, they require points, so if you make a blunder you're stuck with your other weapons until you get more. Chances that you really hit the enemies you want and/or miss your NPCs are slim, so they're now, as they almost always were, in the toys department.
Pity as Cannon Gun DZ (almost 1.2 million damage) could be good for hives for instance, but I tried and it's too unreliable. Can be awesome if it does the job, dreadful if it doesn't which is the usual result. There are better choices with bigger success stories. Update. Cannon DZ can be useful especially against silver spiders on online inferno, as its big damage will help kill them faster (DLC 2-8...)
The gunships were largely improved from 4.1 and are very useful. There are 2 groups, and they're easy to use with a gun-type marker, long-range, a zoom function to help precision shots and reload over time and not points.
A few important notes:
- the attacks are done with an angle that is varied since the gunships are supposedly circling the map (yep somewhat ridiculous), so they sometimes don't work, if there are buildings or shields in their path; sometimes the effect is opposite and can be dreadful by hitting other enemies you don't want, so you can't use them on some places (DLC 2-1
- attacks can miss the target or not do the damage you need, so take always that into account
- they can fail on high speed enemies even if they have the beacon, like big tadpoles and red drones
The Minigun / Vulcan are strong machine-gun attacks that will penetrate enemies but will not destroy the environment. If there's a chance of NPCs and you being under the enemies they're the better choice
The others are cannons variants. They vary from single shots in a small area with several rounds before reloading, to 1 shot with a lot of shells over a wider area. The most useful I found are:
- the 150mm Cannon ν Lapis (and similar ones) are good to selectively destroy environments and enemies, even big ones although these will require multiple shots, but it does help.
- the 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z (and similar ones) are better to handle colonists, cosmos, and bigger enemies, but they will also probably shred NPCs if they're in the area near the enemies due to their large attack radius so be extremely careful choosing and using this one. They also penetrate and destroy everything in the blast area, so are useful for destroying the environment
120 cannons and Rocket cannons will not pierce through enemies so they won't hit ones under transports or motherships.
This was the most improved group of AR weapons. They now put a marker on the ground that will give an idea of where the attack will hit and the area with the corresponding pattern of the plane's path. These are the bread and butter in many missions and they usually produce very good results if well used. Some are useful, others are not thought.
Do realize that each bomber attack is done at a different height, so some will not be useful on a few occasions. Unfortunately except for trying to see if it works as you need or not, there's no other way to know. Z4 and FX dor instance can hit the outpost core when the hatch is open.
- Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4 (and the hard level counterpart). Phobos is a bombers attack that covers a wide area with considerable destruction, even hitting low flying enemies and deroys, with only cosmonauts and bigger enemies usually surviving its power. Considering the damage to the small stuff and the overall wreck that it causes, the Phobos is now likely the most useful weapon in AR's arsenal in any mission that has a reasonable number of enemies, especially ground ones. And it's the most awesome and fun weapon to use anyway, absolutely no other weapon in the game beats leveling down the city and enemies with a Phobos. 😍😋
The level 43 Heavy Bomber Phobos Plan 4 ages pretty well too and it's still very useable in inferno. Fully upgraded will kill small stuff in inferno (even deroy legs) and its huge and practical hit area is always a plus.
- Combat Bomber KM6 Plan Z4 (and the hard level counterpart). KM6 is a machine gun attack similar to Phobos but without explosive damage. It works surprisingly well against flying enemies. The high-level version has a narrow path, but it does have 4 bombers in a row so the damage is considerable. Their biggest downside is the usually very narrow area they cover. Although it can be used over yourself and NPCs don't expect it to be foolproof, several times you'll end up dead or a lot of your companions will be gone. Is it sometimes necessary? Yes, but don't believe the optimists that it causes no issues, because I've had plenty of proof otherwise. Due to their larger hit area, they're particularly dangerous to use over vehicle or exoskeleton either yours or NPC ones. As an example, a KM6 attack will likely destroy your Naegling if thrown over yourself.
- Vestas are visually fun but except on mission 101 (Crumbling city) where all enemies are very weak and the terrain is mostly flat, so it will work nicely, for the remainder of the missions I struggled to find any use for them. They take too much time to come, which means there will be a large time gap without them doing anything. And the attack will follow any terrain blocks like buildings, environment parts, and enemy ships flying by, so many problems can happen. Red ants are only slightly slowed by them and not stunned, and big stuff too.
There are some variants with napalm bombs, cluster bombs, and one bomber Phobos but they're not practical, do enough damage or solve issues like these 2. Some are fun to use but won't ultimately help solve missions.
The missiles are mostly the same as they were in 4.1. Like there the most useful are the Tempests, but due to the time they require to arrive and guide, its use is mostly against inactive enemies or far ones crushing NPCs. They do deliver huge damage to a large area usually wiping out near NPCs too. They're problem solvers in a few missions, making solving them considerably easier.
The Lionics and Cruise Missiles are not problem solvers in inferno especially. They require constant aiming which is difficult at inferno speeds and you'll either waste most of it or hit the wrong enemies or usually structures/terrain. Lionics for instance can have up to 45 shots, so aiming them all takes too much time, and as a bonus it takes forever to reload. Although fun they should be ignored.
These have been very improved and they come with a freebie, a hysterical and laughable female operator.
Spritefall is much more effective in EDF 5, although its usefulness diminishes a lot by Inferno time as their damage and spread are not useful to handle anchors for instance. I tested all 3 best Spritefalls (Power Mode, Maximum, and Destroy all fully upgraded in power except the last which was at 9 but even at 10 would be useless) in mission 95 Drop Location which has a lot of large anchors from start and neither of the 3 destroyed the any, but by comparison, the 3 best Bulge Laser (Beam Mode D, Beam Mode F, and Beam Mode Z which I had the first of these at level 8 and the others at 9 in damage) did the job. Spritefalls can be useful in a really few situations like destroying cannons in the outpost base (stellar for that), enemies in a group in standby, or while attacking NPCs (the NPCs will probably be toast) but it's not a good general use weapon in inferno. My biggest gripe with them overall is their ability to destroy NPC units besides enemies, and to me NPCs are an amazing and fun help.
UPDATE. It does have some uses in Inferno and I thank Vlady for pointing out that, and can even make some missions a piece of cake when cleverly used with other weapons (85 Incoming Larvae and DLC 1-4 Reclaim Base 236 for instance).
Spritefall Shooting Mode is a single shot sniper-like weapon. It's quite useful sometimes, but only if you don't miss it, as its low points requirements mean you always have another to use again.
Bulge Laser Beam has been improved over 4.1 too. Its huge damage over time is great to handle anchors especially the huge ones which nothing else can (except Tempests but they're not practical on most occasions), heavy cosmonauts, deroys, and even big enemies like giant bees (doesn't work very well on king spiders as depends on what phase of their movement you get them and not even Z I think can kill a silver king, bulges work even worse with queen ants as they don't stun them (well very few things stun queen ants except WD rapiers) but will be able to kill or damage seriously any of them). In many cases, it's also a "use and forget" weapon that will do its job which is always an awesome trait. I rarely used them in 4.1 but use them a lot on 5. Bulges penetrate the mothership and they're quite useful for the mission where she shows up on and needs to be destroyed.
Limpet Guns
Limpet guns are usually the worst choice to make in AR weapons. If you want to use rifles and shoot things, play the Ranger. For personal defense, you should and must aim to rely on turrets, NPCs, and vehicles, which to make things even simpler are all much improved in EDF 5. Except for the extreme and very few situations where it actually is required they should not be used at all. They're slow, impractical, mostly inefficient, and above all disable efficient use of the AR weapons that will really solve missions because you're wasting your time using this junk.
The Limpet Splendor and its ME variant were rather nice to use in tunnels against weak enemies. However, the new turrets render them useless in 5.
The Sniper is useful only in the cases where the target is too far or unreachable for other weapons, or in the case, you need to piss just one enemy in a mob, in the ground, or flying (although there are other better choices for this effect). Fully upgraded the Limpett Sniper ZD does considerable damage at 5k per shot, and you have 3. It's also interesting that you can activate the bullets when you want which is nice to install in a convenient place and use later. However, stupidly it's the only sniper in the whole game that has no zoom, which is even more stupid when most gunships, satellites, and missiles have one. Yes, sadly there are missions in that it needs to be used (update, wrong, all missions in the main campaign and DLC can be done without them).
In multiplayer it's an insult and a sign you don't know how to play the game because all other classes will be a gazillion better at defending you than you doing it yourself.
Do yourself the biggest favor possible while playing the AR, play without them it will improve your class success and fun tremendously.
Stationary Weapons
There are 2 groups in these, the robot bombs and the turrets.
The robot bombs are really fun to use, but again won't, unfortunately, solve any of your missions in inferno (wrong, surprinsingly they do help a lot on a DLC one, 2-10
The turrets are one of the essential weapons of the AR. People who say they suck, simply don't have the slightest idea how to play the AR. The wonderful feature of the turrets is that they enable you to use efficiently the other weapons and vehicles you have, as they do their work alone and are usually reasonably efficient in that.
The only issue with them in EDF 5 is that you can't equip 2 or 3 of the same equipment. That is a PITA. However, they now can be installed in vehicles without the certainty that they will wreck it faster than the enemies would, which would happen in 4.1. Even better unlike in 4.1 they will reload even when you're not holding them. There are 4 major groups of turrets:
- ZE Blaster, a new laser turret in DLC 2, it's very powerful and quite efficient for several ground and flying small enemies and great to take down transports if you can use them for that effect. For big ones, it's a mixed bag. Just snail slow to turn around and sometimes doesn't work due to angles. Reasonable search and hit range, better than ZEXRs. They last a long time.
- FZ-GUN's, a wonderful new turret very efficient on tunnels where you can bottleneck enemies and reasonably efficient against mobs of silver spiders and gold ants in some ground missions, as they stun enemies and last a loooonnnng time. However friendly fire in NPCs can be problematic. Surprisingly they're very effective applied on top of Depth Crawlers in tunnel missions, as they don't damage the vehicle, but still damage NPCs and you if you're out of it. Very short range though
- Launchers, turrets with explosives that have a long search and hit range, are nice to help level down city areas, but will spread enemies that don't die easily. Even the last one the level 72 ZEX Launcher won't one-shot kill any enemy in Inferno, which many times will be a problem. They're a really bad option with tadpoles (as they were with dragons) as they home on you and NPCs, and the explosions will not only kill the tadpoles... They're reasonable against bees and drones. Also, work reliably against Colonists and Cosmonauts. And they can also make Erginus and Archelus stop and jump back, although is not guaranteed, nothing is guaranteed with either of these two. On tunnels exclusively if you can bottleneck all enemies on someplace where they can't reach you. The problem is how volatile things are with them on the map, things can go awesome or self-destroying in a snap.
- ZEXR and siblings, the essential turret for ground missions, and even good in cave ones. The only issue with them is that you can only have one in EDF 5.
The next available one, the ZE-GUN10, is sadly deplorably bad in everything, making the ZERA-GUN the only other option for Inferno. But it's a bad one, as it only has 2 turrets and it doesn't do much damage. Still, exoskeletons are much improved in 5, and combining the use of both will be crucial.
To take advantage of them, level down the whole area in city missions, unless you can funnel the enemies reliably through a narrow section. In city missions put turrets in areas where there's no rubble, buildings, or other objects that will get the bullets instead of the enemies. Put them on intersections, one for each path. Try to put them on upper areas that can overlook where the enemies will be coming from.
Remember now you can throw turrets further away, by looking up. When there are just a few enemies and you have NPCs or a good vehicle, rebuild them to make them available for the next onslaught, as turret management with knowledge of what's going to happen next is essential to easy success. And wonderfully you can now install them easily and without issues in Depth Crawlers, Blackers, Grapes, and even the helicopters. If you master the techniques of using them efficiently you'll see why they're wonderful helpers and the limpets (and the suppress gun toys) are mostly wasting time trash.
Support Equipment
These are divided into 2 sections. Guiding kits and enhancement posts and guns.
Guiding kits are only useful in multiplayer if there's a Fencer equipped with Leviathan, Phoenix, and other missiles that require them. There's an extreme situational use in a single player with a Naegling to concentrate all missiles on a single big enemy. Can also be used as a Tempest simplifier but on most occasions, it will be a waste of a valuable slot.
Enhancement posts and guns are useful. There are 3 groups, one for providing health-related items, another to enhance the power of the attacks, and another to reduce the damage of enemies. Power enhancement does not work for turrets and airstrikes. You can use them on exoskeletons or Bargas but should put them at their feet. Guns are usually more practical for vehicles when you need to use them quickly, as they're easier to target and apply, have much better reload times but have much less range, so not that helpful for NPCs. Life-related items have no reloads, when you used the initially provided number that's it. Life enhancements were more interesting in 4.1 since only the Ranger could heal NPCs in that game.
You can't stack power and guard effects, only one will be applied. You can stack life-related items, but you'll spend them faster.
3 enhancements can cover a huge area. These are the level 58 Offensive Territory, the level 31 Zone Protector, and the level 75 Zone Protector. Don't be too happy though as the enhancement ratio is small.
There are 2 groups here too, with one containing 2 subdivisions.
If I already ranted at the limpets the Suppress Guns are true toys and/or jokes. Can't even understand why Sandlot wasted their resources on this, probably listening to the whining people who don't have the slightest idea how to use the AR. The AR is no Ranger if you're wasting your time with pea shooters you're not doing your job.
The other group contains the Decoys and Shields. Decoys were vaguely useful in 4.1 as their health was ridiculous. They're much better on 5, but still, its use is mostly in city missions where you're able to hide them from enemies that can't destroy buildings or find them easily like ants. On open field missions, it's more difficult so seldom useful but can still be used (103 Tornado is an example). However decoys can be installed inside shields, so they're an option in multiplayer with 2 or more ARs present as it's lesser problematic to use 2 weapon slots. Avoid using explosives or missiles (even Phobos) near them. Other big issues are the long reload times and the fact that they can only be installed on the spot you're. Decoy [Yellow] has a longer duration than Decoy [Silver] but a much weaker armor.
The shields are a great use of a weapon slot in many situations. The good ones are the Absolute Bunker and Electromagnetic bunkers, and the Electromagnetic Wall. The latter is useful by being much taller and will be a better option when you have a static group of NPCs relatively close together, and especially if they include exoskeletons, as the Absolute and Electromagnetic Bunkers don't protect them, but they're not useful if there are airborne enemies. Still, shields require some training to use well and you're advised to watch videos to see what's the best way to install them. They have long reload times. Bunkers are excellent to install on vehicles.
If you're using Supress Guns you don't even deserve to use this class...
Dumbest Sandlot idea on EDF 5.
Tanks were the area of the Special One in 4.1, the Epsilon Railgun. Unfortunately, it was given to Ranger in 5 as a poisoned gift as it was nerfed so much that is almost in the toy's territory.
The Blackers are much faster and more useable now, but shooting angles are still bad and it still has a ton of recoil. The weapon is reasonable but hits a big area so it's very dangerous to use for close enemies as there's always a chance of some enemy or NPC going by, so self-defense sometimes is a self-attack too. It's also easy to hit your NPCs that are further away due to the imprecision. But you can install shields on them and you have a zippy mobile armored powerhouse. In city maps where there's usually a road covering all perimeter, these are pretty good if you need a zippy transport to drive around, although there's a better but a lot more difficult to handle option in the next group.
The Titan is mostly a multiplayer weapon. It needs 3 people to take full advantage of. It's absolutely crawling slow. In everything...
Ground Vehicles
These include 3 classes of vehicles: Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher, Caliban Support Vehicle, and the Armored Vehicle Grape.
The Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher will automatically track enemies and send guided missiles toward them. It's a useful weapon in many situations but marred by a few issues. Ridiculous armor and bad camera angle on most occasions you're moving and shooting or trying to. You'll likely need to drive back to use it so it doesn't help. Sadly can be toppled much easier than it was on EDF 4.1, in that game you could rest assured that it would be always in the correct position or would really quickly revert to it. Still learning to use it well can help a lot on a few missions, as the AR doesn't have anything else similar, so don't underestimate it. It will one-shot most smaller enemies, and it's especially effective against flying ones. It will knockout Blue tadpoles and silver spiders.
The Caliban Support Vehicle is fast and provides armor recovery but it's mostly a waste as there are better options and you're using your only mobility possibility in a vehicle that won't kill anything. In single-player is even worse, it will have its uses in multiplayer mostly if multiple ARs are present.
The Armored Vehicle Grape is a weird vehicle. It has difficult controls and it's hard to master but has blistering speed, and some come with a good auto-tracking cannon. If you learn to use it well it can be awesome, but it's a really hard road. Like the Naegling the road is harder than it was on EDF 4.1, you can topple it way more easily and be in an awkward situation quite easily
Powered Exoskeletons
This class of vehicles has been extremely improved in EDF 5 over 4. In EDF 2025 they were absolute snails. They got better on 4.1 but not much and had miserable armor. In 5 some have huge armor, some have huge mobility, and some even both.
Of the plethora of exoskeletons available 2 clearly stand out.
The level 87 Powered Exoskeleton Nix ZC, for its versatility and raw power. Yes, it's slow but it has tremendous attack and defense weaponry and a varied one for all occasions. A powerful machine gun with good range, good for ground and aerial enemies; a good cannon good for big enemies on ground and air, even colonists and cosmonauts, just marred by very few shells; a good burner with plenty of fuel, great to handle near enemies big or small; and a few missiles to handle anything, but very useful for flying enemies. It's a fierce war machine and can handle huge battles single-handedly.
It's only difficult to make headshots in cosmos and frogs as the machine gun ammo will curve down slightly at the end and has a reasonable variation in hit area. Can still be done but it's somewhat luck-dependent. The aim for the shoulder howitzer requires training too.
The level 80 Nix Red Guard, has fantastic mobility, but much inferior weaponry compared to Nix ZC. You're stuck with a good burner or a canister with a few shots, which is still respectable, but it can't fight a full-fledged war like the Nix ZC, not even close. Canisters are not explosive, which sometimes is good as you won't hurt your mech with the blast, sometimes is bad because you really want or need to blow up things. Still has a reasonable armor.
If you time it correctly you can jump almost continuously and cover big distances in a snap.
Unfortunately, you can't apply shields effectively to exoskeletons unlike Blackers and Depth Crawlers. But you can apply power or guard guns bullets to them. Or apply turrets to its legs or body...
The improvements of the exoskeletons are absolutely dramatic in EDF 5 from 4.1. The beyond arthritic BM03 Vegalta AX which is basically the Nix ZC had 20k armor, in EDF 5 Nix ZC has 104.4k armor, more than 5x times as much. It does have slightly less revolver ammo and missiles, but the walking speed and rotational movements make it night and day to use the EDF 5 version.
The Nix Grenadier EZ is mildly interesting but it has too many chances of damaging itself and even worse sometimes wiping out the NPCs, so either of the 2 previous ones is always a better choice. The Nix Destroy Cannon has similar issues.
Special Weapons
Another 3 groups of vehicles here are BMX10 Proteus, Barga, and Depth Crawlers.
The BMX10 Proteus is a cross between a barga, an exoskeleton, and a titan tank. It's supposed to be used by 3, one controlling the movements, and another 2 on each gun turret. Even on the single-player has its uses, but it's seldom. The gun turrets are slow to activate and use, and have very limited angles, a pity as it could be a request available shelling powerhouse like the HU04 Brute SA9 (which is now a Ranger weapon 😑). Movement is slow and clunky almost like the Titan. It has reasonable armor, but exoskeletons evolved a lot in that area too.
The Barga well is the Barga. It's similar to the Fencer in many things, you'll either love it or hate it. The controls are dreadful in everything, movement is horrendous and it can be eaten alive by ants, spiders, and bees in a snap. It's fun to use in small doses. I don't rely on him to solve anything, too unreliable (perhaps on 100 with the DLC one...). Crates picking with him is an absolute nightmare.
You can't avoid the Depth Crawler on EDF 5. Some cave missions are not solvable without a reasonable use of them. The controls have been improved but it's still weird to use, and they're still inverted when you're on the ceiling. Also due to clipping issues in caves, it's quite easy to be in an awkward position or outside the map. At least you can apply turrets that won't destroy it and shields to them now.
EDF 6 DLC 2-26 - videos details and advice
General information There are 6 phases in the mission with various waves on them: - 1st phase, various waves of different ants, followed by ...
Last updated on: In EDF 6, unless you cheat, you'll need to play all or almost all missions in the campaign up to the last one, mission ...
Last update - Jan 2024 I'm updating this list which is frankly a huge PITA as in the last 2 years more than 80% of shooters that have be...