Not really a fan of the Wing Diver in EDF 5. The charge before mechanics are more a nuisance than a benefit. People say she was overpowered in 4.1 but it wasn't the case, quite the contrary as now you can overcharge a really powerful weapon, use it and will not have any effect in your energy. The main benefit of her was that it become easy and reliable to really manage energy. You had weapons with a clip, knew how much you could use them before getting into trouble, then played the game according to that. Now it's the opposite. You never know when you'll go into emergency charge. Having to hold the weapon charge is a absolute crap even worse with the annoying beeps. I do find myself only using Rapiers and not much else. Stardust Cannon is a interesting weapon but very dangerous to use unfortunately.
The fun of the WD was the guerrilla tactics and sneak somewhere and wreck it then fall back, recover and repeat and that is a lot more unreliable if you're wasting uncontrollably a lot of your energy pach charging weapons continuously. Frankly even the Ranger seems really interesting compared to her now. Or the fencer... Crap.
Mission 106 - Suicide Squad
This mission is surprisingly easy for the Wing Diver, considering it's one of the last. There's 4 waves and if you handle them correctly it's easy to survive.
I used the Mirage 15WR and the Gleipnir α both roughly half upgraded, with the VZ Plasma Core. The VM Rush Core is probably good too, but mine is so basic in stats it's unusable.
Consider all waves position from start, looking at the WD NPC squad.
Capture both ranger squads, and while hopping to the WD squads use Mirage on bees. The rest of the 1st wave will come form your back, throw Gleipnir towards them and hop back to the WDs. Stay between the 2 buildings near the WDs for minor protection against bees and tadpoles. Always keeps firing Mirage, which is a really very good weapon since it will stun most enemies and eventually kill them, being particularly effective against bees and spiders. The main point is breaking their movement and attack, so that NPCs and you have a easier life.
When there's a few enemies, stop firing so that Gleipnir can have time to rebuild. Hop around picking health and weapon crates.
Second wave will come from roughly the map sides from the position of the WD squad. the best way to handle is to leave the ranger NPCs near the original position of the NPC WD squad and fall back to your start position and beyond. Shoot Gleipnir near the rangers and fall back shooting Mirage first to bees coming from front right and then the pillbugs coming from left. The WD squad will likely cover your ass with the stray enemies.
Third wave, coming from same positions, same strategy. Try to get surviving rangers towards WD start position, then fall back. Shoot Mirage at bees and tadpoles. Start to walk to the left, as the Grim Reaper squad will eventually spawn there and you want to capture them. Help the NPCs, then stall to rebuild Gleipnir.
Last wave will com from all over the map borders. The best place to go is the corner back from start position, since the bees will come from there and they'll head for your spot making their original one free. Stay in the middle, shoot Gleipnir, then goto the place with few bees. Shoot back, and start to rotate again to left. Eventually the Ranger squad with the sarge will spawn in the right end of elevated area with the tracks and will move to further forward from along them where the NPC WDs were. They'll usually have a pretty nice life, with nothing to do, as you likely won't even need them. Concentrate towards the end in picking crates, it will only go berserk if you make a big mistake (I made a few small ones in the video).
The mission is usually pretty bad in weapon drops, and they'll be all over the map or at least over a really large area. It's not unusual that 1 or 2 pillbugs from the last wave (or the 3rd) are stuck in buildings.
Mission 98 - Coastal Defense Line
There are 2 ways to solve this mission: focusing on big enemies (cosmos and colonists) or focusing on small enemies (drones).
The problem with the first approach is that the 3rd wave of drones is really bad as it brings 3 imperial type 2 drones which are a absolute pain to deal with and can wipe you out in one attack. The Ranger has a better life in this strategy as his sniper weapons are more effective, and the Emerald is more useable for stray drones than WD's homing weapons.
So the second strategy is easier but you need quite upgraded weapons, and the Big Bang core (for its 200% weapon recharge). You just need to be careful and really retreat during the 3rd wave of drones to avoid a imperial one reach you. Without the help of the final cavalry's WDs and Fencers bringing down the transports will be a pain.
At any point the NPCs on the beach are wiped out, without the cavalry arriving there's 99.99% chance you're dead too.
Mission 91 - Sparking Abyss
As would be expected this mission is easier for the WD than for other classes. I used the Monster GZ and Power Lance ZA. From start fall to a plateau in your left. If you go all the way to the left you can destroy with Monster the rightmost tunnel, which drops ants and it's the one you'll really want to get rid first. Then go up to the area with the cave I talk about in the AR run. It's seldom that pillbugs will go that far, but all ants will. Once all ants are dead your life will be a lot better.
Once you think all ants are dead (red dots in ceiling are ants for sure...), descend first bridge and go to central pillar zone (where I descended with DC in AR's video). If you stay there it's very rare you'll get pillbugs. Snipe the 3 cosmos with Monster. If they don't die they will usually go inactive humming below the pillar at the bottom of the cave.
When there's no cosmos in berserk mode or they're all dead, proceed with care along the bridge below that will go directly to the tunnels. Destroy the central one. You can then rest in a ledge just above where this tunnel was, I stayed there a few times, only was hit by a pillbug once. From this location, you can hit easily the remaining tunnel.
Return to the bridge leading to the tunnels, and stay at the top near the pillar, pillbugs will all line and try to climb it. If too many come at the same time, just fly upper.
If there's still cosmos alive at the end it won't be very problematic, although usually they'll be under a ledge at the cave bottom just under the central pillar.
Mission 73 - Light Defenses
The WD has a reasonable easy way out of this one. Bring your most powerful and less energy consuming Rapier and a Powerlance or similar with a reasonable range (120m+) to avoid surprises.
While capturing NPCs, your first goal is to go inside the labyrinth of shields and destroy the spiders anchor at front, then deal with the other spiders one in back and finally the bees one which is right of this one. This will destroy the spawns for almost all troublesome enemies. Then recover everything going outside to the map borders. It's very important to get rid of all the bees now using Powerlance mostly, with spiders coming second. Don't ignore any gold ants of course, the single silver spider will be easier to dismiss.
NPCs should be all dead or very near that. When it's possible go to oversized anchor and destroy it. Recover if necessary and destroy the 2 black ants anchors.
All that will spawn now is red ants, which are a joke to deal with using the rapier.
Destroy all shield bearers, pick crates and destroy the final red ants anchor.
Bring a core that helps with flying and / or dashing.
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