13 September 2021

The EDF western games syndrome - Part 1.5 - EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 WINGDIVER THE SHOOTER

This will be really short...

 Yes I know this isn't exactly a games for western audiences, it was a game for EDF fans.

First issue. Why was the title all in caps ??????? They needed to shout it?

Second issue. Who on earth thought a 2D shooter would work with a giant weapon grind? And with pseudo 3D enemies?

Third and last. The game is a weak shoot'em up. The game is a weak EDF game. The game is a weak game.

This sums it all up. It was a flop and it was justified to be one. Sadly wrote more than the game deserves.

It's a error to try to milk the cow of the core fans with pointless games.

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