As it's easier to me I'll use reverse order of missions.
DLC 1-13 - Engage Aliens 3
The mission has 4 waves. The first wave has 3 deroys and several colonists. Second several tadpoles. Third even more tadpoles. Fourth, deroys from back and both sides from start, colonists from both sides and eventually 6 blue tadpoles.
Mission will not progress to 3rd wave until all deroys (and colonists) from 1st wave are dead. Keeping a deroy alive with its plasma cannons destroyed is clever to have time to prepare 3rd wave and pick crates for you and NPCs.
When starting there are 2 groups of NPCs on each side of the road below the cliffs: one of rangers and another of fencers on the left side, and 2 of rangers on the right side. It's very hard for Ranger and AR to grab both because they don't have speed for that, it's best to go to the right side as the fencers have better chances of survival than the rangers.
In the fourth wave you'll get from the right side 2 middle deroys and one multi launcher colonist, so going to the right is a lot more dangerous as you'll be immediately under their aim.
Mission 110 - The Nameless
From where you start the map end is reasonably furthest away to the left and slightly more to the front. It's good to know how much you can walk backwards before hitting the map border.
The special WD and Grim Reaper Fencer squads will show up a few secs after the appearance of the second mob of cosmonauts. They will come from the map edge at your back from start. but will be difficult to capture at this point. The WDs will stop slightly ahead of where you start in the train tracks, and the fencers slightly to the right of the starting point in the road.
At the third wave of cosmonauts the special ranger squad will also show up to the left near the indestructible area, but these will likely die anyway even if you capture them.
Mission 108 Online only - Under Siege
On the 3rd and last wave by far the best way to handle it is to have an Air Raider equipped with a KM6 Z4 and some turrets (ZEXRs or FZ-GUN MXs) on its loadout, and a Nyx Rad Guard (shields will help its survival). He should jump to and camp on the top of the transport dropping spiders. Then kill all remaining fliers immediately and piss all cosmos and frogs and wait for them to gather under the transport. He can then use Z4 to crush them, while not being hit, as Z4 does penetrate this transport. If the Nyx is being hit by Z4, jump up with it when it's coming. Other players can also turkey shoot them with sniper weapons from safe distances.
When all cosmos are gone, stop attacks on small fish, and other players can then destroy the 2 other transports that would be dropping pillbugs and goldies, which will be in peace since all enemies will be under the spiders transport. Resume Z4s until goldies and pillbugs are gone. Run away to aggro spiders far from the transport, and again someone else destroys silvers transport in peace, then finally the silvers.
The biggest problem is organizing such action, especially without voice chat.
Mission 108 Online only - Despair
The jp wiki says the super duper pylons have 700.000 armor for 4 players. It's wrong, it's more than that. A fully upgraded Tempest ATS + Bulge Z is not enough to destroy it:
479800 + ( 389.9 * 600 ) = 713740
Pylon should have around 20 to 30k more than this.
Crappy that ATS + Bulge Z doesn't work.
On 3 and 4 players or solo super sized pylons will be on the verge of destruction with 3 fully starred on damage Bulge Z attacks.
It is possible to avoid the spawn of the 2 big enemies if the last 2 super sized pylons are destroyed at a small interval, which is tricky to do solo.
Mission 108 - Scorched Earth
The 3rd wave has 100 tadpoles, plus 2 blueish big ones. Your NPCs can't handle them very well. If the pillbugs from wave 2 were already problematic for them, these are dreadful.
On 4th wave the leftmost anchor from start "only" drops black and red ants (it will be the rightmost and back one if you are on the right map end when they spawn). The other 3 drop either spiders or bees (the 2 rightmost ones). The central large one will keep spitting queen ants and king spiders until destroyed. It will also produce tadpoles, spiders and black ants if another anchor is destroyed.
The initial wave that the 4 anchors send is larger than the following ones. It's the reason you'll see a sea of red dots in the map after the anchors spawn for the first time.
Mission 104 - Against All Odds
From your start position front, then clockwise the transports drop the following enemies:
- bees
- tadpoles
- pillbugs
- bees
- black ants
- tadpoles
- pillbugs
- black ants
All classes except AR can go forward and destroy in sequence the first 4 transports, the AR will have to go left to gain points to get a vehicle, and then he can go for the transports. By killing the 5th transport you'll also get the heavy cosmos, the normal ones spawned at the 2nd downed transport.
This was clearly created with that in thought, as the first 4 transports are the ones most interesting to destroy and they're in sequence.
The place where the cosmos drop doesn't seem to be always the same.
Mission 101 - Crumbling City
All waves spawn points from start position.
First wave is front left.
Second is front right.
Third is front left.
Fourth is 2 buildings, right just forward and right just backwards. WD cavalry will arrive before this one ends.
Fifth wave has 3 crumbling buildings one back left, followed in just a few secs by another slightly to the right of the first of this wave (back from start) and followed by another in just a few more secs just left from start.
Sixth wave will be when there's around 50 little ants alive, 2 buildings one far front from start and followed by another just back right.
A mess eh? ππ
Mission 100 - Greatest Final Confrontation
The 5 important waves are the small stuff ones as these are the only ones you can actively and successfully handle.
From start position:
1 - left, spiders and 5 Colonists with plasma cannons
2 - right, spiders and 5 Cosmonauts, plus spiders from front likely behind the main fight (these cosmonauts can destroy you EMCs but it depends if they focus on them or not)
3 - (after the 10 new Erginus) front, black and red ants, 2 shield bearers, 10 heavy Cosmonauts
4 - bees from back, left and right (these will likely destroy EMCs, if they're still alive and you don't deal with the bees)
5 - from all over the map, tadpoles, these are crucial killing too (difficult that EMCs, if they're still alive, will survive)
Mission 99 - Intense Battle Underground
The right teleportation pad will spawn ants. It will depend on opinion, but in mine this should be the first to go. Ants are even more unpredictable in movement than pillbugs and it's easy to get one shot by a senaky one.
Mission 90 - Broken Land
Not very important (or less) for Air Raider but crucial for other classes. Photos of the deroys placements, with most buildings that would block the views destroyed. Destroying all would be troublesome it's hard to destroy any without alerting the deroys or smaller stuff.
Right from start, at the top left corner it's the deroy just in front of you when mission starts, NPCs are further down the same avenue.
Right side from start, but looking towards the large deroy, just left of the tall building in the background. The other missile deroy, a small one, is the second in the photo to the left of the big one, just up left from WD's jet pack. It's roughly in the middle of the highest concentrated area.
Left side from start, just under the WD is the large missile deroy, the small missiles one is just above the WD arms sight.
Mission 73 - Light Defenses
From start to right you have a red ants anchor. Back from this one slightly to left a black ants one.
From start, almost front is a spiders anchor, with a black ants one back and left, just out of the shields.
Further back from this one, roughly in the same line as the first it's another spiders anchor. The one more isolated in the back between the back spiders and the back black ants is the bees anchor.
The large anchor is only present in hardest or higher, drops 3 yellow ants and 1 silver spider per spawn.
When there's just 2 anchors remaining a large number of enemies will spawn, so it's not a good idea that the large anchor is one of the last 2.
Mission 70 - Aircrafts
If you hear the initial dialog there's details about a abandoned Railgun. The Railgun is left up, near the fountain. It has 150k armor and 25 shells which will destroy a imperial drone in 2 shots, but it's slow as molasses to use the turret. Any class will be able to use the railgun.
There will be 3 fencers near the railgun, 2 rangers before reaching them if you go left first, near the railway and 2 more further up after the fencers to the right. These besides the 3 rangers plus sarge (on the railway slightly to the left) near the start.
Approaching the sarge will spawn another imperial drone in attack mode, all others are in stand by, although it's usual that if you capture your NPCs they will aggro some of the drones.
Mission 60 - Mountain Investigation
This mission is daunting if you don't understand its flow.
It's advisable to capture the second Ranger squad and proceed to the top of the mountain near where the WDs are, to avoid the last 3 waves of bees coming from the hive being too spread. This last squad of rangers will be massacred anyway if you don't capture them.
You don't need to kill the Queen Bees of the last wave, just run away and your life will be easy if you still have captured NPCs alive. The mission will end shortly after the Queens appearance.
Missiles and guided weapons are a must here, due to the huge number of enemies.
You really don't want tons of bees and Archelus at the same time...
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