29 August 2021

EDF 5 - Guide, Air Raider's road to Inferno's end - Part 1 Missions 91-110

I'll detail in this post progress and reasonable, replayable, and reliable ways to do the most troublesome missions in inferno. The AR usually has a large edge on messy missions.
I'll detail them in reverse order from last as it's easier for me.
If the mission isn't mentioned it's likely very easy to solve, or I'm still figuring an easy as a possible way to do it. If there's one you're struggling with and I don't mention it ask for help.

Some weapons will require reasonable upgrades to be effective. Unfortunately, it's the way EDF 5 works, no way around the dreadful upgrade grind.

Do realize that some missions will be really very hard to do if you take into consideration weapon limits, that is by only using weapons you could have by that mission. Of course, most of them will be dramatically easier if you use the highest-end weapons possible.

Mission 110 - The Nameless

Absolute Bunker
Vulcan Cannon M2
Best Blacker possible
Bulge Laser Beam Mode Z
Armor: 1000-2000

This one isn't exactly difficult due mostly to 2 weapons: the shield and the gunship attack. The biggest issue is that you can only have points for any vehicle once you killed some cosmonauts from the first mob of 4. So you must survive until then, and you can't use the shields up to that too.
Can't figure if capturing the 4 NPCs squads is a good idea if just part of them or none. One of the biggest issues is that the main guy moves so fast and loves to fly near you or the NPCs that isn't unusual for your Vulcan attacks to kill some of them. If you leave them they're usually wiped out in a snap. There's no sure way for this decision. Still waiting for a little while before attacking him seems to help a little as he will be further away from the NPCs.
I do usually capture all NPCs and use the Vulcan on him aggressively after a small hiatus. The 4 cosmos will be dropped fast and that's when the laser bulge will come in handy, as with some talent and a lot of luck you'll probably get 3 of them with 1 use of it. This will still be troublesome as in most places where the cosmos will land you'll have environment items in your line of sight. Or the cosmos can go behind structures. Or your guys can stop shooting the nameless and cosmos and they all focus on you. It varies a lot, some luck will help.
Use the Vulcan on the surviving ones if necessary, and summon the tank. If you're lucky and some NPCs survived until now it will be easier. On many occasions, none will even survive before all cosmos are dead...
Jump on top of the tank and install 4 of the shields in each direction (front, back, and each side) and the 5th in the opposite direction you'll feel comfortable driving, either in front if you can drive backward, or back if you prefer normal driving. At this point, unless the big one stomps on you (at which point you'll fly across the map and hopefully the tank will fall correctly up) the worst is done.
Be careful exiting the Blacker while it's still moving, the tank does not stop immediately and you'll be out of the shield area.
Proceed to the map sides. Keep using Vulcan on big guy. When the second mob of cosmos spawns if it's feasible and they're somewhat far, use the bulge on the ones you can. If not proceed to the map center to capture WD and fencers. After this is just a matter of traveling around the map, using laser on cosmos when possible and Vulcan in the big guy and cosmos. Try to move quickly when the big guy is dropping meteors to avoid issues with you and your NPCs. There will be plenty of health crates from the cosmos.

The Blacker is great due to its speed and maneuverability. If you have distance it's also good to hit the nameless or cosmos. I've seen most people use a Depth Crawler but they're slower and a pain to travel big distances. You can use another weapon besides the bulge laser you feel it's more useful to you.

Don't choose weapons that require points, There are only 3 waves of cosmos, the big guy will only give points at the end. 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z can also be good but chances of friendly fire are big.

There's nothing you can do to stop the boss attacks.

It's seldom but you can still be hit by the boss inside the shields.

Mission 109 - No.11

Mission 108 - Scorched Earth

Mission 107 - Invader Assembly

An easy one, but long. As long as you handle each group of 3 colonists/cosmonauts (even 2 isn't a big deal), the only annoyances will be the shield bearers bugging you, the furthest down a group of 3 heavies, the laser cosmonaut, and the 2 waves of Type 2 Drones. Once most or all big guys are gone, dealing with the transports is easy.

ZEXR is your friend again for small fish and drones, Nix ZC stars for everything (although Red Guard will also work), Vulcan Cannon  (or similar, 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z but be careful with self-damage due to NPCs, etc) is great to handle big guys, with Bulge Laser Z the best if you want to get headshot kills from the big guys. The third weapon is whatever you want, I usually take the ZEX Launcher to help with the Type 2 Drones. No bombers, really bad idea.
Handle nearer big guys, then keep pissing each group of 3 always from the start zone, ZEXRs will handle small stuff that comes. Try to deal with all first even the back 3 heavies. Once you have the Nix ZC handling the cosmos will become even easier. You can leave an old Nix while falling back for a few laughs, and easier Cosmo kills.
Finally, front ants and spiders transports, then right bees and pill bugs ones, and then it's almost over. At the 4th and 6th transport taken down a Type 2 drones wave will come. Use turrets and Nix ZC to handle them.
At the same time as the last wave of drones spawns a squad of Rangers and 2 Nixs will come from the end of the map back from where you started and proceed to the tracks. They'll be very late for the party...
It's just time-consuming as you must take things in small batches.
This is Massive Mobilization from 4.1, just as long but thankfully easier as no gold ants and silver spiders. And no PITA giant walker...

Mission 106 - Suicide Squad

An irregular mission. It will come down to being able to capture the WDs and Fencers (third wave or somewhere around that) near the start, and how well you can rebuild the turrets before the next wave. I used ZEXR, ZEX Launcher, and KM6 along with one of the 2 best exoskeletons.
Usually one of the pill bugs will stay stuck in a building in left from start, so you'll have to go there, although it will help with turret rebuilding. There are no ants, as these would help a lot because at least one likes to take a stroll and it helps with the timings. Fortunately, there's at least a pause between each wave, except the second which comes almost immediately after start.
Try to stall as much as possible at the end of the waves so that your turrets have time to rebuild.
ZEX Launcher will be a dangerous asset. Pillbugs arrive fast and the chances you and your NPCs are hit by them are big. Unfortunately only ZE Blaster would be better.
It's not terribly difficult but it depends on so much for success that it's difficult to give a simple way to do this one.

Mission 105 - Monster Banquet

This mission isn't hard as long as you don't piss a ton of big guys at the same time. The queen ants although are 3, it's normal versions, and the worst enemies will be the giant red bee, the silver king spider, the Archelus, and naturally the 20 gold ants. I solved it with the Phobos Z 4, the ZEXR, the 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z, and the Nix ZC.
The Nix ZC although slow is by far the best exoskeleton for combat. It has a napalm burner, a reasonable good in damage and range revolver cannon, a long-range howitzer with few shells but still useful, and even a few guide missiles. It will shred all big guys, even Archelus. Just remember to use burner only enemies are very near and in green ants, and that the howitzer is great to stun and send away the king spider. It also has a gazillion health.
Since small fish isn't in big numbers the ZEXRs are awesome here, and they'll handle 99% of them. It will also be extremely useful with the green ants (although Nix will be able alone) and even to stun Archelus to enable you to empty in peace the burner, revolver, and howitzer on him.
The 105mm Cannon Z is great to kill or help towards that objective, everything big while they're approaching. It's also good to deal with blues tadpoles but I've killed myself twice as they insist on flying over me when I do that. Even so, the damage it does is huge and it's simple to use with a reasonably fast reload.
I start by sending the Phobos towards the right, trying to avoid both giant bees but still hitting the king spider and queen ant usually there. This will enable you to summon Nix, so turn on ZEXRs which should have been spread along the road where you'll pick the NPCs and use 105mm on big fish still coming. Use Nix when it arrives.
Rinse and repeat with other large enemies. Remember to resupply the ZEXRs and reinstall them and feed NPC's health between each attack.
Then handle possibly both bees (starting with Phobos), then the queen ant and Archelus, and finally queen ant and silver king.
Even with all NPCs dead before the end can be done.
Still, if you piss 5 or 6 big ones you'll probably die. See that you won't be able to summon a ton of Nix ZC's, so don't over waste resources.
Can still be done with the Red Guard but it's more unreliable.
Usually, a small number of enemies will survive and you can walk around at mission end to pick crates.

Mission 104 - Against All Odds

This is unexpectedly one of the most difficult missions for AR. This is Encircling and the AR could do it in 2025 with some trouble, was relatively easy in 4.1. The very low flight height of the transports is troublesome for the vehicles. The transports drop4 kinds of enemies, 3 of them are awful, namely bees, pillbugs, and tadpoles, and to make it worse all transports are equal and the sequence isn't even logical. This is the best way I found to solve this one, not easy or reliable but it works. At least I was almost dead on with the JP wiki.

105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z
Life Vendor ZD
Nix Red Guard
Armor: 1000-2000

Although I'm a fan of the Nix ZC it doesn't work here. The crappy cosmos move at light speed when you strip their armor, you'll never get them with him. The JP wiki recommends the Vulcan instead of the 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z, but I prefer the 105mm due to the huge damage it can apply and its 24 bomb attacks which will strip continuously the targeted cosmo armor layers and with some luck others too. It also can destroy buildings although the game usually spawns the cosmos near you. Anyway, choose the more upgraded you have between these 2.
All weapons above will need to be reasonable to almost fully upgraded.

At start immediately roll forward, capture rangers, roll right, same, roll left capture WDs, roll back capture Fencers and proceed along the road where the last ones were. It's probably hocus pocus but I couldn't get this to work by following the other 3 directions. Your goal is to reach the map border to make it your base. This should be done with continuous rolls to take advantage of reaching a better position with the transport drop delay (only happens in inferno).
As you roll, star dropping ZEXRs when you reach the open area. Give some space between them, you'll want to cover a large area. A little after you reach the map border you should be able to summon Nix. Be careful where you summon Nix, you can't imagine the number of times I had a Nix dropped on top of a transport. Return to the area under the transport path, install Life Vendor.
Your problem is that there are 8 transports. 2 drop black ants, 2 tadpoles, 2 bees, and 2 pill bugs. The least bad for you and your NPCs are the ants. The rest are all awful. So you must focus on taking down transports that don't drop ants. If necessary stall a little to confirm that the transport you're downing doesn't drop ants, as this will make your life a lot easier.
There will be a drop of cosmos after the second downed transport, whichever it is. The jp wiki says it's 4 but it's clearly 5, one of them a sniper (focus on this one). At the fifth downed transport 5 heavy cosmos will drop, 1 missile (focus on this one at the start as it's the only one that can hit from a distance when near all are dangerous), and 4 Gatling (machine gun). Heavy cosmos take considerable time to kill, but if stripped of armor there's a chance the NPCs will finish them like they will with the normal ones in the same circumstances.
The strategy is to be near the map border, only going under the transports path to down one. You should use one Life Vendor when cosmos are arriving, so save 2 for that. The hardest part is surviving with enough NPCs until you kill the first cosmos wave. When there are just 4 transports just before dropping the fifth everything is pretty manageable. Ants have the virtue of being the enemy that will take more time to arrive giving you hopefully more breath time unless they drop really near you, another reason you shouldn't drop their transports.
Rebuild ZEXRs when you see a few enemies on the radar map, this is important. NPCs can handle a few without issues. When you don't have a Life Vendor working walk around in the Nix picking health crates, which also reduces damage from all enemies as the worse you can do is stay still.
When cosmos are dropped and they're in plain sight, use Life Vendor and start gunship attacks on them. When they're near, board a Nix and hunt them (the reason why ZC sucks here). At this point, the harder part is done, and if you survived with a few NPCs there won't be many problems.

The second drop of cosmos is somewhat easier to deal with due to a smaller number of enemies, but you can need a second Nix to deal with all 5. Cannister shots work pretty well on cosmos, the burner too. As previous use gunship attacks, first on the solo missile heavy, then on others, finally attack using Nix. 

Dealing with the last 3 transports is a joke compared to what was needed until now, not even using the ZEXR is required. Walk around picking crates while you wait for the transports to arrive. Ants usually like to take a stroll before coming.

Isn't perfect but works. I tried so many ways, this was the best by far. For now...

Mission 103 - Tornado

This mission isn't difficult just takes time. The only troublesome thing will be the 4 tadpole waves. I used the ZEXR, the ZERA, the KM6 Z4 or X5, and the Naegling. As long as you have NPCs alive it can be done.
Capture fencers and rangers, kill the first near ants. Go right along the road, use ZERA and ZEXR to handle a group of red ants and frogs. Always rebuild turrets before the next group, pick health, but crates are not in a big supply on this mission.
You should have Naegling. Use KM6 in the ants and frogs that were near start just over the mountain. Tadpoles will come, go in the opposite direction of them shooting Naegling, using NPC as bait, use KM6 to help.
Then go further down the road, to a section near the next enemies and staying there use the Naegling to shoot a few near ones, then use ZEXR and ZERA when necessary. Naegling will kill frogs with 3 hits or so. Always use NPC as bait.
Be careful, unlike in 2025 and 4.1 Naegling will keep the memory of targets even if you exit it. To select new ones you must exit it and wait a while before entering it to choose a new set of them.
Probably the least interesting mission of the last ones. 

Mission 102 - Forced Entry

This was the last mission I solved in inferno with the AR. I did have to consult the jp wiki for wisdom, which I never do before solving missions as I like to compare my solution(s) once I figure them to their(s). Spearhead, the 2025 and 4.1 mission that is the original idea on which this one is based, was already dreadful to do without helis. I hate helis, so had to find a solution without them.
I used the Nix Red Guard, ZEXR, KM6 Z4, and Life Vendor ZD.
The first dreadful part is surviving until the Nix comes. Bees in particular on this mission are prone to hit you with astonishing precision almost anywhere on the map, whichever class you're using. You can't really be in the same spot for even 1 sec, and even installing the ZEXRs is an adventure that usually ends badly. The first goal is of course destroying the bee's anchor, which is the one on the beach protected by a shield-bearer and a heavy cosmos. Also, the first wave is a coordinated awful onslaught.
Roll down and capture both ranger squads. Don't try to capture fencers, for now, it can be done but it's extremely hard. Call KM6 in a diagonal just over the beach to try to avoid killing your NPCs. Keep rolling forward towards the larger shield with care and start dropping ZEXRs and activate them, one at a time, so that they're spread and at least the last 2 more nearer the big shield. Be careful, ants can come from the right as one of the anchors in the back is in that direction. If possible capture fencers along the way, but it's not easy so don't make it mandatory.
Keep using KM6 in the same way you did before until you can call the Nix, which you should do looking at the beach anchor to make it easier to go there. If at any point a machine gun cosmos that is near the ant's anchor just inside the bigger shield comes deal with it (ZEXR, KM6, Nix if you have it...). If the heavy comes ignore it for now, or deal with it if you want.
When the Nix arrives, install Life Vendor on it (NOT the ground). Now it's another chicken and egg situation. You NPCs can be in trouble alone but you must destroy the bee's anchor or this never ends 😑. Enter Nix, jump to bees anchor. Mostly ignore everything and destroy the bee's anchor and the shield-bearer. Either the enemies have focused on you and you have to retreat now or die, or the enemies are spread between you and the NPCs and you can deal with the heavy cosmos. In either case, you should retreat to the beach near the sea. Exit Nix and install ZEXRs to help you and NPCs. Be REALY careful, I've died a ton of times just trying to install the ZEXRs at this point, even a single bee across the beach can kill you. Deal with the heavy if you didn't.
Wait for your guys to group near you. The fencers should all be dead or almost. Install Life vendor to help them. This area will be your base for a while.

The next step is dealing with another anchor. For that, you need a fresh Nix. The easiest one is the reds one, which is the leftmost one. The wiki mentions to do this and the near shield bearer. It's an error don't do this. The problem is not you, but almost all your NPCs will be dead once you return to your beach base.
So get a new Nix aiming towards the red ant's anchor, rebuild ZEXRs, kill enemies with your Nix until then. 
When you have the new Nix and fresh ZEXRs, install 2 ZEXRs on the beach, throwing them forward, install 2 on the new Nix one on each side. Activate, enter Nix and start jumping/flying until you reach and can destroy the red ant's anchor. Due to terrain structure, it's a pain to jump or climb the mountain, do the best you can, and you're also prone to be stuck or fall uncontrollably in some places, and especially spiders and even black ants can melt the Nix in a snap. When you destroy the anchor, immediately fall back to the beach, use a burner to destroy as many enemies as you can on the way back, which is way feasible when you're going back. The goal is to keep as many NPCs alive as possible. When on the beach start collecting health crates. Fall back to back beach near the sea (don't go to the water BTW...).

Repeat the same stunt, now to destroy the shield-bearer that was near the Red's anchor, and you can also destroy the right one to that one, which is the main shield-bearer holding the bigger shield. Repeat everything you did for the red ant's anchor, aim it towards the shield-bearer, etc. On second thought it's probably smarter to aim to the main shield-bearer, I'll try to check that. The main shield-bearer is supposed to go down with KM6 attacks, but I've tried and zilch.
You can destroy the black ant's anchor just near the beach even with the main shield on with the KM& but it must be sent backward, that is starting in the mountains towards the beach and passing over it. It can probably be done to the spider's anchor in the back too, but good luck hitting that one (that one would have to be from the beach to the direction of the mountains).

What remains now on the map is 2 black ants anchors (one visible, the other to the right-back), 1 spider anchor in the back, 1 heavy cosmos near the spider's ancho,r and possibly 2 other cosmos, a machine gun one near the black ant's anchor by the beach and a laser cosmos near the black ant's anchor in the right back. There's a good chance you had already dealt with both last one and preferably successfully 😁.

When you return to the beach you'll have now the most troublesome part after the start. The next anchor that you destroy will trigger a termites wave coming from the beach further back from the place where the red's anchor was, along with elite versions of the enemies that the anchors still left will drop (gold ants and silver spiders if you're following my lead, there could be purple ants and red bees if you did it differently). And the cherry on the top, after all, these are dead you'll get another mob exactly equal when this last one is almost gone, with the only difference being that termites will spawn right next to your probable beach location with no pause 😑😑😑. Nice, eh? The big problem is that ZEXRs don't last enough time to deal with both waves. According to the wiki, the last termites wave triggers at 15 enemies alive on the map. Each anchor will drop 6 enemies, so once you destroy another anchor only 13ish enemies will for sure be on the map, and the 2nd termite's wave will trigger before that. I do rebuild the ZEXRs after almost all termites from the first are gone and stall a little to let them rebuild and install them. Abuse all your remaining life vendors at this point, they won't be necessary again. It's a good idea to have at least 1 spare nix.
So when you think you're ready install ZEXRs around you to the hills area, use KM6 on black ants anchor near the beach, install Life Vendor (s) (save one for the second onslaught) slightly forward, and only trigger ZEXRs when termites are arriving, use KM6 before if you want. Complement the ZEXR with the burner on termites, advance towards them, then fall back to the previous area as NPCs will follow you and you want them near the Life Vendor. The gold ants are fast will be dead quickly by the ZEXRs (they will be substituted by normal ones), and you should or not rebuild ZEXRs. Silver spiders take more time to arrive and more time to die. Cannister shots and burner from the Nix work well on them. If you rebuilt the ZEXR stall a little, install them, and then press to trigger the next onslaught. Install Life Vendor and start ZEXRs when you see the newly spawned ton of red dots near you. Use nix to survive, kill last golds and silvers, and all that matters has ended.

It will just be now kids' play compared to what you've been through. Get new nix, destroy right ants anchor, and shield-bearer (install the 4 ZEXRs on nix). Then last spiders anchor and heavy cosmo.
If at any point 2 squads of WDs spawn it means you're down to 4 NPCs. Smartly they go exactly to the middle of the action, one group will fly right next to the rightmost ant's anchor and the other to the position where the leftmost shield-bearer was, which is right on the path of spiders. Smart and helpful NPCs 😂.

This is hard. Very hard. It's one of the 3 most difficult missions for the AR in the campaign. It's also long as hell. Don't rush this, you'll regret it.
It can be a LOT easier if you're really good with helis. I hate them.
I'll try to put a video of this one.

Mission 101 - Crumbling City

If you have a flame Exoskeleton all you need is to survive until you can summon it and board it. Turrets will be your best friend until then, so use them wisely. Bring the 3 best ones, ZERA-GUN, ZEXR-GUN, and FZ-GUN MX, and the exoskeleton you have with the lowest points to request, but preferably Red Guard. Keep using the turrets in this order, for each wave, check my video or the mission data page in the blog for that:

If there are at least one or more termites that take a stroll and delay being killed it can help a lot with time for rebuilding turrets. You should have the exoskeleton by the 3rd or 4th wave depending on how upgraded it is (lower points to request). When there are a few termites of the sixth wave walk around to pick crates you want.

Mission 100 - Greatest Final Confrontation

Oh crap. This mission...
The best thing you can do is kill the small stuff. Small stuff annoys your NPC Bargas and they'll fight it instead of the Erginus and Archelus. Avoid shooting colonists and cosmonauts, especially these last ones, if they're near other ones and you can't kill them all as they'll aggro on you. Get all NPCs. The longer the EMCs survive the better chances you have to finish the mission, these actually are better at killing Erginus and Archelus than the Bargas. Even so, EMCs are not always productive. If you're waiting for the NPC Bargas to be the ones that solve it don't hold your breath. It's not uncommon to see 2 or 3 bargas trying to kill a single spider or bee while being massacred by Erginus...
Small stuff waves are listed in the Mission Data post.
Besides this "all" you need is luck. Good luck.
This is why I hate this mission. I hate the similar one in 4.1 too. Both impressive but so stupid and annoying to do.

I can't find a reliable way to do this mission in inferno without DLC weapons. This is so stupidly random. You'll probably do it with a set of weapons, and making a similar run is hell. Erginus and specially Archelus are too unpredictable and can be all over the map. Your Bargas too, so it makes this annoying.

I can do it regularly with ZE Blaster, ZEXR, Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4, and Nix Assault (its speed and maneuverability are key, and let's face it Red Guard does not have enough firepower to do much here).

Mission 99 - Intense Battle Underground

This mission description is dedicated to the TD; LR people.😁

Of the 3 last cave missions (86, 91, and 99) this is the easiest one. However, it will be a VERY long description and there are some EXTREMELY crucial steps that if you fail or ignore will probably mean death. Watching the video will help a lot too.

Guard Assist Gun G
Depth Crawler IV Custom
Armor: 1000-2000

At start capture Rangers, throw 3 ZEXRs to the left opening, 1to the right one, activate. When all ants are dead rebuild ZEXRs and roll through the left opening, throwing immediately the FZ-GUNs to the left to kill the spiders that spawned in the tunnel.
When ZEXRs are ready throw them to the tunnel entrance, rebuild FZ-GUNs. Before the FZ-GUNs are ready you should have your Depth Crawler. Install FZ-GUNs on top of it, install Guard Gun pellet on DC, switch to FZ-GUNs, enter DC, enter the tunnel. When an enemy is coming exit DC, activate turrets, enter DC.
At the end of the tunnel, you'll reach a cave that has an anchor that drops ants. Hanging from the ledge destroy anchor with DC cannon/machine gun. When it's gone, jump down towards the right opening at the bottom. This will take practice and luck, it will be difficult to land on a good spot and you'll probably make a mess a few times here (I did 😂). The objective is to progress to the tunnel where the pill bugs are coming from. The flame turrets will likely kill all pill bugs and ants remaining around the cave bottom and tunnel.
In the next cave, you now have a king spider and another anchor, that is dropping pill bugs. This is a cave mission in an EDF game, so do expect to die here ridiculously from bad clippings with the king spider webs. Using both turrets and the DC kill king spider. Beware the opening isn't in a favorable position you can die easily. When the king spider dies, advance to opening and destroying anchor.

Now starts the first important part where you MUST do things right. There will be 2 consecutive waves now. One of the ants which are in wait mode, and another of spiders + king spider that will fall from the large cave ceiling when a certain number of ants has died. Yes, it's a trap. The best strategy is to enter the cave in the DC, climb the wall to left. Without going near ants, drop 1 ZEXR in a way that will hit the ants. Dropdown again. "Mine" is the tunnel opening where you come from with FZ-GUNs (one on each wall, the other 3 on the ground). Go back to the tunnel. Activate ZEXR, throw the other 3 to the tunnel entrance, before the FZ-GUNs, activate when ants are arriving. Activate FZ-GUNs when spiders spawn. They all should die, including the king, if not repeat turrets until they're all dead. Get a new DC if you haven't. Rebuild and install Guard Gun pellet.

Now another important part. Opposite the tunnel where the ants were taking a walk, there's now another tunnel. At the end of this tunnel, it's an anchor dropping pill bugs. Do NOT go there for now. Climb again the wall to the left of the large cave. Another tunnel is now open in the back left. Kill pill bugs arriving until the Rangers make a long walk to reach you. Go to the tunnel in the back left, drop all ZEXRs at their start plus 2 FZ-GUNs. Then install the other 3 FZ-GUNs on top of the DC. Proceed to the tunnel where pill bugs are coming from, activate FZ-GUNs before entering the tunnel, switch to ZEXR (don't activate, actually you probably can...), and install Guard Gun pellet. As you progress in the tunnel, you'll see a sea of red dots in front and back, exit DC and activate ZEXRs if you hadn't. At this point you have a wave of ants in the tunnel you booby-trapped, another in the same tunnel you're just ahead and pill bugs coming from the anchor further down. Progress tunnel, FZ-GUNs will likely kill all ants so don't stop until you can see anchor, destroy it. Disable FZ-GUNs, as it's likely there will be just a really few enemies left, use DC machine guns and wait for rangers to help, but this should be easy. If you want the crates you can return to the tunnel you booby-trapped to pick a nice loot.

And now for something completely different the MOST important part. This is the end. Or almost... There will be 3 miserable ants, 3 miserable spiders, and a huge cave with 5 anchors, and 2 king spiders, these are all in standby mode. You'll also see another group of rangers. DON'T REACH THEM or better do it very carefully. If you touch the floor of the place where they're you'll trigger all anchors and king spiders in the huge cave to attack mode, and it will be continuous. So you must capture the rangers while still on the rugged surface of the cave, retreat immediately as soon as you have them. Install Guard Gun pellet in DC, enter DC, and jump. You're now on the ceiling. Cross the cave where the rangers were, leaning to the right, then enter the right tunnel, ALL WHILE TRAVELLING IN THE CEILING. When you're in the tunnel you can drop down, kill ants /spiders with a DC machine gun. If you failed this you're...well, you know what you're in 😂.

Now it's "just" the last part, and it's relatively easy if the anchors are in sleep mode. From the tunnel safety, you can only handle 3 anchors, one to the right, 2 to the left. The tunnel will split into 2 just before the huge cave. Be careful there's another tunnel on top of these 2, although it's seldom enemies will come from there. You can take a short walk around the cave borders near the tunnel to check the placement of the anchors and king spiders if you want. Go right, install ZEXRs before entering the cave, install FZ-GUNs around the 2 entrances in the huge cave (to handle king spiders when they come) use DC cannons on anchor in plain sight to destroy it, retreat, activate ZEXRs, activate FZ-GUNs if king comes. Do the same thing for the 2 left anchors, always rebuilding what's necessary. If the third anchor activates at the same time as the second, try to destroy it, or return later when it's safer. This is really easy compared to what you've been through until now.
When the 3 anchors you can see from the tunnel and the 2 king spiders are dead, all that remains are 2 anchors with black ants and pill bugs. Advance on the cave through the right, you'll reach a side ledge where you can see and hit both remaining anchors. Drop ZEXRs (two to cave bottom), activate, destroy both anchors. Finito.
You can also try this without the ceiling part, you'll have lots of fun in the last cave. 😁
This really isn't very hard. Just time-consuming and you must be focused on the parts where you can't mess up.

Mission 98 - Coastal Defense Line

Mission 97 - Steel Covered by Threads

This one is easy. Phobos is your friend for the giant webs, ZEXR to handle what comes, and the standard exoskeletons, either the Red Guard or Nix ZC (Red firepower is more than enough). To complement either ZEX Launcher, FZ-GUN MX, or a gunship to deal with anchors faster.
At the start, capture NPCs fall back to the right and back to a wider street. Use Phobos so that it hits up from where you started, this will kill a lot of spiders and probably a few Araneas, just avoid hitting the 2 king spiders near the large building to the left. Use turrets to kill small stuff that eventually will come.
You'll have the exoskeleton, and then you can start using Phobos on the right of the large building. Even if the 2 kings come the exoskeleton will be more than enough to massacre both. ZEXRs will always handle the small stuff, enemies from anchors will return to wait mode when not attacked.
Then repeat to the left of a big building. Finish with the last anchor which is up from the building and the possible stray Aranea. Araneas don't do much damage to vehicles.
If you want to be nice save the ass of a small group of fencers below the big building.
Remember that buildings that had giant webs connected can't be destroyed.

Mission 96 - Land of Monsters

Another easy one. Bring ZEXR, FZ-GUN MX, Phobos, and preferably Nix ZC (but can be Red Guard).
Capture NPCs, enter supplied Nix, and proceed backward to an open area just to the left of the next from where you started. The NPCs will probably handle a few ants, ignore that.
Now install FZ-GUNs and ZEXRs in the corner nearer the eggs, stay on the opposite one. Send Phobos so that it covers the area front slightly left from start, will hatch a few eggs, and annoy a queen ant and a cosmos. Turrets will handle most stuff, you'll probably even have time to get your own Nix but if it doesn't arrive, use the supplied one on the queen ant and cosmos.
If you have Nix ZC use it to level down the area around you, it helps.
At some point, a small group of black and red ants will come from the water area in your front left but they're easy to handle.
Then keep doing the same to the area that was right from start, starting from the further back area that will have the gold queen ant. Even if 2 queen ants come at once it's not difficult, the Nix will handle both. always advance with the Nix to the queens to protect your NPCs. Just take care with the "normal" gold ants, a single attack from one can shave 10 to 12k armor from the Nix, so they're your priority.
Around this time or perhaps in the next wave you annoy a larger group of reds and black ants along with a few golds will come from the further back where the gold queen was. They'll take some time and probably arrive very spread, handle them before continuing.
All that remains will be 2 queen ants, a heavy cosmo, and probably some gold ants, the rest is small stuff. When there are just 25 eggs they will all hatch, no big deal.
Your only issue is to avoid killing your NPCs with the FZ-GUNs. 😂

Mission 95 - Drop Location

Easy with a little strategy. Your only problem is that when the third anchor is destroyed 2 deroys will come, and you want to kill ASAP the one that has landed nearer your spawn point as it's a missiles ones. And surviving until your Nix comes.
The WDs will be your bodyguards, so start with the anchor near them. 105mm Rapid-fire Cannon Z can be used without issues as there are almost nil chances of friendly fire.

Mission 94 - Bloody Battle

Oh please, please, let there be more missions like this one!! 😋😊😊

Mission 93 - Mountain Traps

Another easy one, just need to walk a lot. Bring Phobos to destroy webs, Araneas and anchors, ZEXR to kill small stuff, Red Guard, ZERA, or whatever you want to complement. When you have the Red Guard just walk around with it destroying anchors and Araneas, going in a circle. Starting on the right is slightly easier if that was necessary.

Mission 92 - Attack of the Flying Fleet

Another very reasonable mission, did it the third time just failed first because Nix got stuck on top of a building and second because my KM6 killed me. You only need to survive until you can summon Nix, ZC is preferable since type 2 drones fly too high and Red Guard would have trouble dealing with them. I use ZEX Launcher, ZEXRs, one of the KM6s, and Nix ZC.
Capture both squads and throw ZEX Launchers towards the front from where the first wave comes. Go back to a small group of buildings and put ZEXRs somewhat middle way towards the buildings. Activate both when enemies are near, hide between the buildings. Use KM6 to help. You'll have the Nix before the wave ends. Be careful summoning Nix so that it doesn't get stuck on the top of a building.
Always leave 3 or 4 Type 2 drones alive, so you can rebuild ZEXRs, get health, new Nix, etc.
Near the end of the first wave move towards an area to the right that has a tall building. Install your Nix between the two lowest ones (the first when you arrive, the Nix won't fit properly in the alleys near the tall building. To help destroy the small buildings across the road to your left when you were reaching the tall buildings. DON'T USE ZEX Launcher after 1st wave. Put ZEXRs towards open space and deal with each wave with them, KM6 and Nix. Only use Nix cannon and missiles in the last wave to avoid destroying the buildings.

Mission 91 - Sparking Abyss

First, of the last 3 cave missions, I post a strategy. This is very hard to do without Limpets, but being stubborn as a mule I decided I would find a way to do it. It can be done but you'll suffer.

ZEX Launcher
FZ-GUN MX - the 3 turrets will need to be really upgraded, almost to the limit
Depth Crawler IV Custom
Armor: 1000-2000

There are 3 Cosmonauts protecting 3 tunnel exits, 2 dropping pill bugs, and the right one dropping ants. Your biggest problem is ants, they can one-shot you from anywhere (at least with 1k health). The cave is huge, they will be all over the place and they'll hit you from anywhere. Your second problem is the cosmos. The path to the tunnel exits is narrow, and they'll cream your DC before you kill them. Using turrets near them is hard as the number of enemies makes them wander instead of focusing on what you wanted.
You need to see the video below to understand this. Just with written text will be hard. You should scout the cave with the WD in easy difficulty to see where everything is.
First point. The only place where you can bottleneck enemies that's viable to use is a large cave at the top of the paths. So first go up the path. As you're reaching the top you need to start to install ZEXRs one by one (not all at the same time) as you'll have ants coming from all sides. When you reach the plateau before the cave all ZEXRs should be shooting. Look on the right edge, don't fall, and be careful with ants. You'll see the path that leads from the central pillar to the wall where the tunnel exits are. Throw the ZEX Launchers, if it's far some will hopefully land on the path. Activate them.
Go to the cave. Install the FZ-GUNs in the entrance so they will block it. 4 are enough, you can throw the last towards the left to kill something. Just 3 is dangerous.. (see video). Activate them when ZEXRs end. Next ZEX Launcher will end. Wait until both weapons rebuild. Throw ZEXRs beyond turrets fire spreading them in the plateau. Activate ZEXRs, disable FZ-GUNs, throw again ZEX Launcher, now to the left side obviously. NEVER try to be a smart ass and exit the cave while FZ-GUNs is active, you'll probably die returning as they will change direction if any enemy comes near.
Keep doing this. It's probable and desirable that some of the Cosmos will start climbing the path. Hopefully, they will die with the ZEX Launcher. They can climb all the way up to the cave top, so be careful. Also, be careful looking at them from the plateau, they can hit you even from the path below and they're deadly accurate.
Repeat until you have spawned a DC and can spawn the next. DON'T spawn the next. The most dangerous cosmos are likely gone by this time.
Now comes the next hard part. Rebuild FZ-GUNs while ZEXRs are working. Install them on DC. Start to descend the path towards the start position. When you reach the end of the first bridge exit DC activate FZ-GUNs and switch to ZEXRs so these will be ready to install and use when necessary.
Now you have two options:

- you feel like you can go down at the end of the first bridge by the central pillar, the path you'll want to reach is just down slightly to the left. You shouldn't touch the right stick (which I did in the run of the video 😑), you can lose spatial orientation VERY fast. It's not easy to do...
- if you don't want to take chances go down the path passing by your start position and eventually reach the same objective.

When you have the tunnel exits in plain sight you need to have the right one in your target, as this is the one you must get rid of ASAP, as it's the one dropping ants. Aim DC cannons to that one and take it down.
Then get rid of either of the other 2, then the last one. If necessary, which probably will be, exit DC summon a new one (this is why you couldn't spawn it before so you can be sure to have one ready), enter it. Install ZEXRs to kill the last ants. When you finished the 3 tunnels all the hard part is done.
All that will remain is a few pill bugs and 1 or 2 cosmos. Static red dots in the map will be cosmos, moving ones pill bugs. Pillbugs are pretty easy to kill with DC, use a machine gun. For cosmos, wait for FZ-GUNs to rebuild install them on top of DC again, and go fry them.

Yes, it's hard, but can be done. No limpet again... 😋😁

I tried this hard with a variety of weapons and different ways, none worked. Going directly down the path to attack tunnels is certain death, as the only viable turret for defense is ZEXR, FZ-GUN is awesome if installed in a DC (slight issue it will take some time until you get one, and good luck installing the turrets while you're in the path near the tunnels). The other 2 will certainly kill you, and ZERA is a joke here.

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EDF 6 DLC 2-26 - videos details and advice

General information There are 6 phases in the mission with various waves on them: - 1st phase, various waves of different ants, followed by ...